Home Business How to Recover Deleted Files with EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard

How to Recover Deleted Files with EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard

by Olufisayo
How to recover deleted files with EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard

Today we are going to review one of the most popular file recovery programs that exist for Windows and Mac. It is the EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard free, a developer specialized in data restoration, backups, storage and data transfer.

Surely many of you have seen it online, but you do not know if it really works or what is its level of effectiveness. Therefore, today we are going to do a recovery test to get rid of doubts.

How to recover deleted files with EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard

Features of EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Free:

EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard 12.0 has 2 versions: the Professional version of payment and the free version called EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Free.

For this review we will use the free model, which, for practical purposes, has the same recovery power as the pro version. Although yes, with a limit on the amount of GB we can recover.

Among its features of Data Recovery Wizard Free we find the possibility of:

  • Recover deleted, formatted or inaccessible data.
  • It works on hard drives, external drives, USB drives and SD memories.
  • Restore files of all types of formats: photos, text documents, videos, audio, compressed files and many more.
  • Perform rapid and deep scans simultaneously.
  • Recovery limit of 500MB (up to 2GB if we share in RRSS).

This is how the process of recovering lost files works:

I have an external hard drive which was formatted a long time ago by mistake, so we are going to try to recover some photos and music that I had stored. This is a record that is just over 10 years old. The first thing is that download free data recovery software and we are going to do is connect it by USB to the PC, and then we start the EaseUS recovery program.

The truth is that the application goes straight to the point: first we select the unit we want to analyze. In the example of the screenshot, our external disk corresponds to the F unit. We mark and click on “Scan”.

Now the program will start looking for all the lost files. The rapid scanning process will yield some results in a few minutes, but deep scanning, which is what really interests us in this case, will require some more time-depending on the size of the disk. Our disk is 500GB and throws an estimated time for recovery of 1 hour and a half, more or less.

Once the deep scan analysis is complete, we can navigate through the various folders from the left side menu. It is a very practical way to navigate, since the files are classified by type and location. Finally, we select the files and documents that we want to restore and click on the “Recover” button.

The program will ask us for a folder to store all the recovered files. We select it, and automatically, the system will leave a copy of the restored data in that folder.


The truth is that the result has been really satisfactory. The deep scan has been carried out at a faster rate than what we are used to seeing in applications of this type.

Another detail to highlight is that it allows us to make a preview of the photos and documents before recovering them. Something that is really good if we are not sure of the file name, or if its name has been deleted. As for the content, it has been able to detect more than 8000 audio tracks and a large number of photos that really gave for lost. In total computations, more than 88,500 files (more than 860GB of data).

In my case, the photos and music I wanted to recover did not exceed 500MB, so I was able to recover them without any problem. In case the volume of data was greater, we would have to share the application in networks -something that is free for us and not bad at all-, or move to the pro version, which evidently does not have limitations of this type.


In short, EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Free is an excellent free desktop alternative to recover quickly and orderly all those photos, videos or documents that we have lost by mistake.

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