Home Entrepreneurship How to Turn Your YouTube Into a Global Channel

How to Turn Your YouTube Into a Global Channel

by Olufisayo
Turn Your YouTube Into a Global Channel

If you know how to make a YouTube video, you know how to make a global channel.

A global channel is one that makes content available to a large audience across several countries. Doing this allows content creators to build a larger fanbase, and in return, gain more views. The more views you have, the more likely that you can turn YouTube into a full-time career.

While many people like the idea of getting big on YouTube, not many people are sure how to gain popularity. It essentially all comes down to creating good content and making the content accessible to everyone.

Keep on reading to learn how to turn your YouTube channel into a global one.

Focus on Creating Good Content

The first thing you’ll need to do before turning your YouTube channel into a global channel is focus on creating good content. Some of the biggest YouTube channels aren’t multilingual and have a steady fanbase across several countries.

YouTube videos can be subtitled, so your videos can be viewed in any language. You can either caption the videos yourself or hire someone to do them when you start bringing in more revenue.

Focusing on good content before anything else is crucial because this will allow you to build up a fanbase that you know will consistently watch you. As you start growing, you can move towards creating multilingual content or captioning every video.

Introduce Multilingual Content

Some channels get so popular that they introduce alternate channels in foreign languages.

For example, Smosh was a YouTube sensation several years ago and they introduced a Spanish version of their main channel, ElSmosh. ElSmosh features all of Smosh’s videos, but they’re dubbed in Spanish. You can do something like this to connect with an audience from other countries on a closer level.

If your channel focuses on travel and language from the beginning, you’ll have a much easier time introducing multilingual content.

This is commonly done by people that have visited or lived in a country for a long time and have built channels around bridging the cultures.

One of the popular YouTubers that have done this is Tim Explica. Tim Explica is a channel that has an audience from both Brazil and the US. It’s run by a man named Tim that went to Brazil and learned Portuguese.

On his channel, Tim teaches his American viewers about Brazilian culture and he does the opposite with Brazilians. He creates videos in both languages and using captions to ensure that both of his audiences can view each video without an issue.

Effectively Advertise Your Channel

Advertising will play a big role in turning your channel into a global one because you’ll need to do it to reach a larger audience.

Many aspiring content creators go into YouTube with the mindset that they’re going to create videos and gain a mass following. However, the platform is oversaturated with content, making it difficult to start building a fanbase.

The best way to start advertising your channel is to list ads on social media. YouTube is a social media platform but it doesn’t offer as much content as other platforms, such as Facebook or Twitter.

On both Facebook and Twitter, users can watch videos, share status updates, and interact with one another in the comments. There are currently over 3.2 billion active daily users on social media, giving you the chance to reach out to exactly who you’d like to view your content.

When advertising on social media, you can choose from a variety of filters that allow you to specify who will see the ad. Some of the most common filters are age, location, and gender.

After the campaign has started, users will see your ads whenever they’re scrolling down their feeds. If you have a website, you can choose to redirect users to it instead of your YouTube channel.

Some platforms allow ads to contain video content, so you could select one of your best videos to use as an advertisement. If you do this, ensure that you caption it so that the ad is relative to a wider audience.

Work with Other Creators and Influencers

There are thousands of content creators on YouTube that are currently making similar content to you, no matter what idea you come up with.

If you’re interested in teaching an audience about a certain culture, another content creator is doing the same thing. Understanding this is crucial because you can partner with them to create content for both of your audiences.

When you work with another creator or influencer, it’s as if you’re advertising yourself because their audience will learn about who you are. After the collab, there’s a good chance that some of their audience will start keeping up with your content.

Instead of paying for ads, you can ask a YouTube brand account or influencer to sponsor your content. They’ll most likely want you to do the same, but it’s an effective way to get your name out there without having to pay anything.

Start Transforming Your Global Channel Today

Getting into YouTube doesn’t have to be a difficult process, but you must have patience and dedication. Working your way up to having a consistent audience will require a lot of good content and collaborations.

If you’re interested in having a global channel, we encourage you to start thinking of ways to set your channel apart. After you’ve established yourself in the category, you can start advertising the channel to the audience of your choice.

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