Home General Why Should Your Firm Concentrate On Mobile App Development?

Why Should Your Firm Concentrate On Mobile App Development?

by Olufisayo
Mobile App Development

In today’s marketing world, everyone is harping on about apps and mobile app development. According to them, these are the keys to maximizing business success in 2016 and beyond. But, are they right? Or, are they misinformed? The truth is that they are right – app development for mobile devices is going to play a big part in your success. It’s an undeniable fact that apps are taking over and creating a new lane for businesses to exploit. And, if you don’t react now, you won’t be able to take advantage of these benefits.

Large Reach

Almost everyone that has a Smartphone uses their phone to access the Internet. Yes, they still might use their desktops too, but that is unlikely. The world is changing, and people are becoming more impatient. They have no time to wait to get home to consume information, so they want to consume it as soon as possible. With their phones, they have the perfect opportunity to do just that. In fact, studies suggest that 67% of smartphone users surf the web via their phone. That is a massive percentage and one you can’t afford to miss.

Mobile App Development

Increase Your Visibility

To reinforce the point, there were up to 100 billion app downloads on the Apple Store in 2015. Not only is 100 billion a huge number, but the Apple Store is only one platform. As you can see, the hunger for apps isn’t going to satiate anytime soon. From your point of view, that is a big plus. If you put more resources into developing an app, you can increase your visibility around the world. Better yet, you won’t have to spend a fortune to make it happen. All you have to do is make your app available on different platforms, and everyone will know your name.

Raise Awareness Of Your Brand

The direct result of increasing your visibility is raising awareness of your brand. The two go hand in hand as your app promotes your brand. When people use it, they think about your company and what you have to offer. In fact, they also help to reinforce your brand. As long as they use it on a regular basis, your brand will constantly be in their head.

Keep Up With The Competition

Business is a harsh world and one that requires you to make moves even if you don’t like or agree with them. If you don’t and your rivals do, you could fall well behind and lose your market share. Bearing this in mind, it’s important to focus on mobile development if your rivals are doing the same thing. It doesn’t take much to gain an advantage on the competition these days. Your app, or your rival’s app, could be the advantage you crave.

Increase Sales

Mobile apps are simplicity personified. All you have to do is click the icon and browse. When you find what you want, you can click ‘purchase’ and buy your item in an instant. There is no need for credit card details or sign ups because the app already has this information logged. As they are easy to use, they encourage people to make more conversions, which then increase your sales.

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