Home Business 5 Next-Level Management Tips to Take Into 2020

5 Next-Level Management Tips to Take Into 2020

by Olufisayo

If you’re a manager or a business owner, you know the importance of properly managing both your company as well as your employees. But the old ways of managing staff aren’t going to be effective for the coming years.

If you want to be (or train) an effective manager in 2020 and beyond, you’ll need next-level management tips to keep up with the times. The business and employment landscapes are changing rapidly, and if you can’t change with the times, you’ll be left behind.

Here are five next-level management tips to take into 2020 and beyond.

1. Lead By Example

According to Forbes, more and more managers are now Millennials, and these Millennial managers are going to have to lead by example to gain the respect of their peers and older employees.

Even if you’re not a Millennial manager, you’re going to have to demonstrate things like trustworthiness, leadership and work ethic to be taken seriously. You’ll have to be the first one in the door at the start of the workday and the last one to leave at night.

2. Ensure Your Team Has the Right Equipment

This might seem obvious, but so many managers overlook the things that might help them better manage their offices or their employees. Make sure your team has the right equipment they need to perform their job duties to the best of their ability.

With every new year comes the chance to find and upgrade to next-level software and services — like integrating a more modern business phone system. For example, OfficePhone features can help improve operations by allowing you to manage your phones and their systems all in one place.

3. Find a Way to Connect

As a manager, it’s your job to do more than just tell your employees what to do. If you want them to listen to you, you’ve got to find a way to connect with them.

It’s crucial to the success of your organization that you and your employees not only get along, but that you have a working relationship that’s beneficial for the company as a whole. Do your best to understand older workers, as well as younger ones.

If you want a healthier work culture, you’ll need to find authentic ways to try to understand the unique perspectives each generation brings to the table.

4. Learn to Manage Location-Independent Workers

These days, more than half the country is working remotely in some capacity. That means as business models change to incorporate the evolving business landscape, managers need to learn how to manage employees or freelancers from a distance. Using tools like Slack and Skype, you can easily stay in touch with employees who work remotely and keep yourself updated on project milestones and deadlines.

5. Consider a Team-Based Organizational Structure

According to Inc., a team-based, networked structure can help organize your employees’ work into projects. Those projects can then be grouped into portfolios and a team assigned to each portfolio.

If you have any workers with specialized knowledge, you can permanently assign them to a certain team, while you move subject matter experts into and out of teams regularly.

By using this type of organizational structure, you empower your staff and give them the opportunity to better respond to the demands of the customer, which can improve overall business operations.

Planning Ahead

Now that you know exactly what it’s going to take to be a manager in 2020 and beyond, you can start preparing yourself or your managers to change with the tide. With the above tips, you’ll be well equipped to make the right changes for the new year so that you can start reaping the benefits of a well-managed organization.

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