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7 Key Takeaways on Organizing a Global Conference Tour

by Olufisayo
Global Conference Tour

Any conference requires diligent planning and confident management to run effectively. However, expanding a typical event into a global tour is an entirely new game. Although challenging to execute the first (or even second) time, the knowledge and connections gained far outweigh the sleepless nights and seemingly endless to-do lists. Here are the top takeaways companies will discover firsthand after running a global conference tour:

1. The Right Venue Makes a Great First Impression

Where an organization hosts a conference is just as important as the guest speakers and workshops. Any venue should be clean, accessible, and have enough available space. The best corporate event venue in utah will make a great first impression on anyone who walks through the doors.

How can businesses ensure they pick the right venue? Check out online pictures and read tons of customer reviews. Whenever possible, send someone to scout out the place before booking it. Ask about provided tech, such as microphones, projectors, and Wi-Fi. It’s also a good idea to ensure ample parking for every attendee.

2. There’s No Such Thing as Promoting Too Soon

It takes a long time to finalize all the details of a global conference, but that doesn’t mean it should remain a secret. Start promoting the tour as soon as the dates, locations, and speakers are confirmed. Create a dedicated landing page, and collect contact info from interested parties. Early marketing ensures interested attendees have ample time to rearrange work schedules, plan travel, and book accommodations.

3. Clear and Concise Communication Is a Must

How many high achievers does it take to plan a global conference? Simply put, it takes a village. If one person drops the ball on a task, it might trigger an avalanche of unfortunate events. That’s why clear communication is a must. Set firm deadlines. Use both email and phone to confirm all arrangements. Ensure every manager has contact information for all vendors, suppliers, and speakers. Schedule regular meetings to hold everyone accountable for their assigned duties.

4. Not All Speakers Are Equal

Just because someone is a big name in the industry doesn’t mean they’ll make a great speaker. Screen all speakers before giving them a contract. The best speakers will have experience and knowledge that resonates with the guests. They should also have a reputation for showing up on time and delivering powerful presentations.

5. Audio Equipment Is Non-Negotiable

Guests pay big bucks to attend global conferences. A state-of-the-art sound system will ensure they can hear and absorb everything the speaker says. Anyone presenting should use a microphone. Many venues provide this, but it’s always wise to bring backup audio equipment.

6. Audiences Love Engagement

Well-scripted presentations are always beneficial. However, don’t make the entire conference just a bunch of speeches. Audiences crave engagement. When creating the schedule, look beyond lectures. Hands-on activities add value to the event. Schedule plenty of workshops, consultations, and roundtable discussions to encourage genuine connections and increase overall excitement.

7. Always Connect with Attendees After the Event

What happens after a global conference? Ideally, the event creates enough industry buzz to keep attendees talking for weeks, months, or years to come. Stay in touch with participants once they return home. Provide guests VIP access to presentation videos and recordings. Consider creating an online group to continue conversations and keep attendees connected. The more guests talk about the event now, the more likely they will sign up for the next conference.

Plan a Succesful Global Conference

Turning a conference into a global event is a big step, but it can also open many new doors. From meeting new faces to revealing industry trade secrets, conferences add so much value for both attendees and organizers. Following the tips above will ensure your company’s upcoming event goes off without a hitch.

Photo by Product School on Unsplash

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