Home General Plastic Pollution: Causes, Effects and Solutions That Should Work For Our World

Plastic Pollution: Causes, Effects and Solutions That Should Work For Our World

by Olufisayo
plastic pollution

Plastic pollution is the proliferation of plastic materials on land and water and everywhere in our environment to the detriment of wildlife, marine creatures, and humans. Apart from physical plastic bottles that could be picked up on land and harvested from the seas, plastic accumulation is also in the form of particles that fishes and birds could feed on to their own harm.

Unlike other substances, plastics do not degrade in the soil because of their chemical structure, making them remain in the soil for several decades. This makes effective disposal nearly impossible, and even recycling them is just changing them from one form to another manageable form.

Researchers say about 400 tons of plastic is manufactured globally every year, and an estimated 6.3 billion tons of plastic produced worldwide between early 1950 to late 2018.

A massive amount of plastic waste is not only found buried or lying on the earth and floating in the oceans, but a number of researches also suggest 90% of seabirds have plastic particles ingested in their bodies.

Hundreds of organizations around the world have struggled to rein in the abundance of plastic entering the environment by suggesting a ban on the use of plastic materials such as straws for food, litter cleanup, plastic recycling, and means but these have not effectively reduced the pounds of plastic in nature.

The main cause or contributory factor to plastic pollution lies in its remarkable qualities; it is easy to form various shapes, cheap to produce, possess mechanical and electrical resistance, and good for packaging things.

Most of the plastic that enters the oceans comes from last and as a result of human negligence, with travelers taking plastics from one place to the other. Household plastic waste is discarded into waste litters that are emptied to landfills where they remain forever or get washed out to seas via sewers and streams and floods. Planing an adventure? Contact sbtravel.com today

The effects of plastic waste and pollution have been studied on the environment, on humans, wildlife, and marine life. Chemicals in plastics can get transferred to humans via plants and animals or fishes after ingestion.

Large numbers of fishes, birds, and turtles among other marine animals also die in considerable numbers after getting entangled in nets or large debris of floating or subterranean water. Chemical additives to plastic are toxic to human health, causing cancers, birth defects, impaired immunity, and other health conditions.

The solutions time to 3D secure plastic solutions are to reduce plastic production and home or industrial use, reuse plastics to limit factory production, recycle into newer products, and then educate people on be aware of the effects of plastic pollution with a view to obtaining behavioral change.

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