Home General Project Management Trends For 2023

Project Management Trends For 2023

by Olufisayo
Project Management Trends

Within every industry and sector, you will find significant changes occurring as a result of advances in technology and the attitudes that surround both leadership and work. The world of work is continually changing, and how we might explain project management today may certainly not be how it will be in the near future.

The strategies and styles that are used for managing both the human and technical aspects of projects are continually changing in order to adapt to the continually changing workplace. The COVID-19 lockdown and the aftermath with employees reluctant to return to the office because working from home had, in fact, proved to be far more possible than employers had believed it could be. Some believe it has changed, possibly forever, the way in which individuals work.

Let’s take a look at some of the project management trends for 2023 that the experts at Parallel Project Training believe will grow over the course of the year.

A continuation in the shift to remote and digital work

It really does seem like the hybrid, and fully remote work options are here to stay in the post-pandemic world. Surveys carried out by companies like Gallup have indicated that as many as 56% of those employees who are full-time can, in fact, undertake all that their job requires from home. The pandemic has clearly demonstrated that effectiveness and productivity can still be maintained no matter how many members of a team are working from home.

It is worth noting that there are, of course, pros and cons to this. When members of a team work from the same physical location, then spontaneous collaboration and team-building are improved. This is a little difficult within the confines of a virtual workspace. Of course, these “perks” of collaboration that take place in person are offset against the increased job satisfaction and flexibility in working hours that employees can take advantage of when they work from home. It is little wonder that many employees would therefore prefer to work remotely at least a couple of days per week.

A greater reliance on cloud-based technology solutions has been created as a result of this transition to a more remote working environment. These cloud-based solutions provide an alternative to traditional operations that is cost-effective but that does not decrease function and performance. Employees can access cloud-based networks no matter where they are, and this makes them the new standard for any company that is looking to be more employee-centric.

The project managers changing responsibilities

There are some shifts in the scope of the responsibility that the project manager has. Now, contributions beyond the project requirements and flexibility hold more emphasis.

The last few years have seen many companies seeing an increase in the number of change initiatives and also their structure. Project managers have had to learn to integrate the requirements of change initiatives into the plans and strategies of project management. It is vital to use a flexible methodology when it comes to integrating change initiatives, and these should include exact steps and protocols that the project team will follow. These are skills that will still be relevant in the next few years. Companies will continue to grow and also conform to workplace standards that are continually evolving.

Hybrid approaches

Traditionally, project success strategies have relied on using one single project management methodology. However, more and more companies are now relying on a more merged approach that uses several methodologies as they look to be more flexible and find a style that can be adapted to the needs of each individual project. This hybrid approach also works when they are face to face with the job of integrating any expectations of change initiatives that are offered them by the head of the company.

Improving connection between strategy and projects

Both scope and scale of strategy are something project managers are often asked to expand within the growing workplace. They are being tasked with finding the links between individual projects in order to improve the company goals rather that focusing on each project as an individual entity. This can help the project manager to hone their skills and allows them to make informed decisions that are closer to the visions of the company.

Project management tools, software and solutions

There have been advances in technology in terms of improvements to software and automation in most industries and almost certainly in project management. The role of the project manager is made much more efficient thanks to digital tools.

There is an increased prevalence of automation and AI, with data collection and analysis, machine learning and automation becoming significant parts of the strategies around project management. AI is capable of evaluating outcomes and then offering insights into weaknesses and strengths. It can also offer data that is organised in order to help with important decisions and outcomes and even analyse risks. Time-consuming administration tasks are streamlined with good project management software giving more time for a project manager to dedicate to those tasks that are deemed more critical.

Taking the time to fully understand the automation process and AI will allow a project manager to be better prepared to utilise this resource.

Better focus on data

Data and project management are old friends. A project manager who is successful in using all of the necessary data to gain the important information from their key metrics is able to improve on their existing strategies and improve the company goals.

Emotional intelligence and soft skills

Finally, whilst AI and automation may well be able to take over the more technical aspects of project management, there will be a greater emphasis on those soft skills that a project manager will require. This is in order to be effective when it comes to motivating and managing the members of their team. These types of skills include communication, emotional intelligence, mentoring and training, conflict resolution and time and risk management.

Photo by airfocus on Unsplash

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