Home General Slide into My DMs: Why Messaging Apps Are Great Tools for Real Estate Recruitment

Slide into My DMs: Why Messaging Apps Are Great Tools for Real Estate Recruitment

by Olufisayo
Real Estate Recruitment

Technological tools make every real estate recruiter’s job a lot easier and more efficient. Case in point: Brokerkit is a real estate recruiting software that comes with a variety of CRM and other features. These include sending email campaigns, managing appointments, importing and capturing leads, conducting social media lookups, and so much more. The ultimate result? Greater productivity.

Of course, not all technological tools have to be as multifaceted as Brokerkit. Indeed, even something as “basic” (note the quotes) as a messaging app can be valuable to a real estate recruiter. This is especially true in recent years since developers have begun adding business-related features to these apps.

That said if you aren’t using messaging apps for real estate recruiting yet, here are a few reasons why you should start now:

They’re Fast and Always On

Messaging apps are popular communications platforms because of their speed. Unlike email, which can sometimes sit unopened in someone’s inbox for days, an instant message is read well, instantly. It’s practically everyone’s second nature to unlock their phone and check the message when it pings with an alert. Tapping out a reply is also just as quick.

Another benefit of messaging apps is that they’re quite user-friendly whether you’re on mobile or desktop. Barring a few select features, you’ll often have the same experience with a messaging app on any device.

Finally, chat apps are always on. Thanks to chatbots, you can send helpful responses to inquiries anytime. This can help reduce the risk of losing a lead’s interest in pursuing a job application.

They’re Less Obtrusive

If you think that sending a DM is invasive, think again. Many people—millennials, in particular—actually prefer to receive texts or DMs instead of phone calls. That’s because instant messages make them feel more in control; they aren’t pressured to respond, and they have more time to compose a reply. Meanwhile, a call can feel like an imposition and is also more stressful.

They’re More Personal

In relation to the above, texts and DMs can actually feel more personal. They’re more conversational as well, compared to an email which can feel too stiff and formal. Granted, messaging apps can make you sound a little robotic, particularly if you’re using automated responses. The difference here is that the candidates know when they’re interacting with a bot, which means they can be a little more forgiving about receiving canned replies. (Besides, you can always tweak a chatbot’s responses to feel more natural.)

Receiving a direct message through an app can also show that you value a job seeker’s time. Instead of “demanding” them to answer your call, you can give them the liberty to send you a message at their convenience. This can go a long way towards creating a better candidate experience.

They Store Your Conversation History

The recruitment process can be a long one. You’ll be going back and forth with multiple messages, discussing requirements, schedules, and other important details. Doing this through email can be tedious. Meanwhile, unless you’re recording a call, it’s easy to forget something when you discuss things over the phone.

With a messaging app, your conversation history is stored in its entirety. Unless you delete something intentionally, you can easily scroll back to find an earlier message. This is particularly important for candidates since they can consolidate all the information they need in one place.

They’re Perfect for Re-Engagement

The above-mentioned conversation history is an important part of re-engagement. Not all job applicants will get hired, even if they’re qualified for the job. This doesn’t mean that you should dismiss them altogether, however. In fact, these people make great additions to your passive candidate pool. What’s more, because you know that they’re already interested in your brokerage, it’s easier to convince them to resend an application or come in for an interview.

You can use the conversation thread in the chat app to review certain details about candidates to optimize your messaging. Of course, make sure to secure their permission to contact them about job opportunities, networking, and other related matters before actually re-engaging them.

They’re Part of Daily Life

Finally, messaging apps are something that everyone uses almost every day. Again, it’s almost an automatic response for someone to look at their phone after hearing a message alert tone. With proper timing and strategy, you can boost your lead generation and conversion rates using a messaging app alone.

On your end as the recruiter, it would require minimal training to use such a technological solution. At the very least, you’re going to have to learn how to use an automation tool and how to navigate the business functions of the app. This low learning curve can help boost productivity and even the confidence of newer recruiters.

As the world of real estate and recruitment continues to evolve through the years, it’s more important than ever to maximize every available resource to ensure efficiency. Thankfully, there’s a healthy mix of software and readily available apps to help you achieve your goals.

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

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