Home Business Recruiting Tips for Small Firms Hiring in a Competitive Market

Recruiting Tips for Small Firms Hiring in a Competitive Market

by Olufisayo
Recruiting Tips for Small Firms

Regardless of the size of your business, you want to hire the best people. Without doubt, that is easier for a large company to do than it is for a small business.

Usually, larger firms can offer a better package of perks and more career diversification opportunities for their employees.

However, that does not mean that small firms cannot compete and recruit some really great people. You just need to approach recruitment and staff retention in a slightly different way.

Get to the best people first

Our first tip is to speed up and streamline your recruitment process. Review and reply to resumes within an hour or so of receiving them. It should not take more than 20 minutes to read the first page and check people’s background online free.

If someone looks promising, arrange a “touch base” interview with them immediately. Get them on the phone or in front of Skype and ask a couple of basic questions to work out if you are likely to be a good fit.

For example, how soon they can start, what their salary expectations are and what attracted them to the post. If they say they want more money than you can pay, thank them politely for their time and move on to the next candidate.

Moving fast reduces the risk of a good recruit agreeing to an interview or taking a job elsewhere. When looking for work, most people cast their net wide and send out multiple applications. The person who gets to them first is the one that stands the best chance of recruiting him or her.

Also, if you like them at the interview and they pass the tests you set them, be sure to confirm that you would like to hire them quickly. If at all possible, do it on the same day as the interview.

Leave no stone unturned

Most firms, simply post their job on a single agency site and leave it at that. That approach can work, but, generally speaking, the more people who see your ad the better the chances are that you will get good applicants.

So, consider posting on Craigslist, multiple job agency sites, in local papers and social media.

It is also worth letting your current staff know that there is a vacancy. Promoting within is a good policy for small firms.

Every time you do so you improve team morale. Plus, usually, that person will learn the ropes a lot faster than someone who does not know your company.

If you cannot do that, take recommendations from your employees. Often, they will know someone suitable who is looking for work.

Use your network to find talent

It is a good idea for small business owners to join their local chamber of commerce, attend meetups and build working relationships with others. If you have done this, consider reaching out to that network when it is time to recruit.

You will be surprised by how often someone will be able to make a recommendation that leads you to the right candidate. Just make sure that you reciprocate and help others with their business challenges.

When you do this, you will see many of your challenges evaporate as the favour is returned. That includes your recruitment challenges. Working with local schools and colleges to offer work experience can be a great way of uncovering talent.

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