Home Business 5 Things to Keep in Mind When Relocating Your Business

5 Things to Keep in Mind When Relocating Your Business

by Olufisayo
Relocating Your Business

Moving your office is not as easy as some people make it sound. Beginning from the selection of a new location to hiring additional staff, there’s a lot that needs to be taken care of.

Moving a business to a new place can be a very daunting task, especially if you don’t have hands-on experience of doing it before. Here, in this feature, we will guide you through a few things to keep in mind when moving your business. Continue reading until the end:

1. Inform the Staff About Date and Location

As soon as you plan to shift to a new place, as a business owner or manager, it is your responsibility to inform the staff about the new location and date of joining. In today’s time, it is easier for employees to share their location via WhatsApp. So the moment you reach the new site, it is best to pin that location and send it to your staff members.

This way, they will easily be able to reach the new site without getting lost. Secondly, informing everyone about the new date of joining will be of paramount importance. This way, employees will have enough time to complete urgent tasks at home.

2. Engaging a Designer For the New Premises Will be very Important

Not to forget, the design and color scheme of any workplace has a strong effect on clients and employees. Secondly, if your new workspace is not well managed in terms of interior, it is best to hire an interior designer.

Such people have hands-on experience in embellishing the workplace for employees. They can easily come up with the best ideas for your business. All you need to do is, explain your requirements and leave the rest to them.

3. Book the Movers

Shifting the workplace means that you will have to carry all office assets with you. This can be very challenging if there is a lot of stuff that has to be moved. Search the web for professional moving companies like Relo-to.

Instead of requesting employees to carry their stuff and sound unprofessional, this work can better be done by professionals who are willing to help at any time. If you are skeptical about their services, read customer reviews online to get an idea of the quality of their services.

4. Check Doorways and Elevators of the New Location

Never settle for a new location unless you aren’t sure about the veracity of doors and elevators. Not to forget, the doors and elevators need to work their best. Failing to work properly will be very damaging to the reputation of the company.

Many businesses damage their reputation in the commercial market by location in far distant areas and offices that are too old for the new generation. Choosing a location that is fresh and has smooth facilities is a good option for any business out there. If you have several locations in consideration, choose one that has perfect doorways and top-notch elevators.

5. Devise a System to Handle Incoming Phone Calls

Keep in mind, as you decide to move to a new place, giving employees a few days off from work will become the need of the hour. However, this isn’t enough reason to stop taking incoming phone calls from current and prospective customers.

Therefore you need a system that enables you to connect with the audience all the time. The best way to take incoming phone calls is to use an app that can easily transfer calls to employees’ phones even if they’re sitting in their homes. You can also use a VOIP phone system to channel business activities despite relocating your office.

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