Home General 8 Ways How Checking Sample Essays Can Help You Become a Better Writer

8 Ways How Checking Sample Essays Can Help You Become a Better Writer

by Olufisayo
how to become a better writer

Many people are still under the impression that academic help platforms do harm. There is a stigma that students who order those services are too lazy to study or can’t handle their academic duties on their own. Often, getting such help becomes equal to stealing one’s intellectual rights and plagiarizing.

However, the times have changed and those players who once compromised the entire industry are long gone. Today, academic help platforms are legit and follow all rules and requirements defined for this business. You can always check the essay writing service on EssayService review before you start collaborating. Moreover, given the ever-growing academic burden, such help is getting more and more in demand.

Usually, essay writing and academic help websites do more than just writing. They provide a wide range of educational services from obvious editing and proofreading to plagiarism check and vocabulary development. However, such companies main aim is to provide essay sample essays to show students how academic writing should be done.

Actually, these businesses focus on teaching how to write academically more than any instructor in any educational setting. Academic help platforms pay lots of attention to the power of words, formatting, and style, and that fact makes them the best place to learn how to write.

If you wonder how checking samples can help you progress in academic writing, here are the most obvious ways.

You Start Seeing the Pattern

Reading a few essay samples before getting to write one of your own is actually what teachers recommend. This is not an encouragement of plagiarism. No idea can be borrowed without referencing the author. You need to read samples in order to see how good work is done and what you should try to achieve or even exceed.

When reading one’s work, you learn to see how certain writing tips and tricks work. You analyze the whole essay, rendering it successful or not. Based on your evaluation, you can envision your own essay before you even create an outline.

You Choose the Right Words

Samples are great in showing students the quality of the language they should maintain in their essays. This is not free writing. You are a student – a researcher who should meet certain linguistic and semantic requirements in your papers.

When you read samples – actually, when you read lots of them – you start seeing how sophisticated academic vocabulary is. You begin to notice how different your everyday language is from the academic one. Shortly, you even start enjoying this transformation that broadens your horizons.

You Learn to Stick to the Topic

Checking samples shows to you how skilled essay authors are in maintaining the logic and consistency of their papers. There is no deviation from the given topic and instructions. The essay looks coherent and complete.

After reading a few essay samples, you see the logic of the assignment. You realize that once you have your requirements, writing becomes easier. You do not have to reinvent the wheel. Just stick to the topic and answer the questions asked.

You Get Used to Maintaining the Structure

All essay samples are similar – they all have an introduction, body, and conclusion. There is no exception to this rule unless the instructor makes corrections to the common structure.

Samples help you realize why structure is so important and why teachers insist so much on sticking to it. It’s their structure that makes essays look evidence-based and complete. Also, it’s the structure that makes essays catchy and interesting from the very beginning.

You Realize How Good the Author Is at Making Arguments

You can be that good, too, if you collect the right evidence. Checking samples shows exactly how important that is to critically analyze the available literature to come up with solid evidence and proof.

No essay will get a high grade if it’s not supported by relevant literature. By reading samples, you finally see how important that is to list authors’ names on the last page. Moreover, you also realize how sophisticated referencing is. You can find the quotation by the ‘address’ given in the text and on the last page.

You Notice No Mistake

When you read samples, you suddenly realize there is no mistake in the whole text. That means the authors took it seriously and double-checked for any errors. They proofread their essays upon completion and made all necessary edits.

Obviously, you see the quality and you want your essay to live up to these standards. Editing and proofreading, as well as running your essay through a grammar and spelling checking tool, becomes an essential stage of the entire essay writing process.

You Understand the Role of Formatting

All the essay samples you get to read are well-formatted. Everything from spacing to font size is unified across the entire sample. Such a format makes the paper look neat and inviting to the eye. There is a title page and an abstract formatted to make it clear who the author of this work is and how it is used.

Formatting is also about making the essay look more academic. Your writing project must be clear and understandable, and formatting helps you with that.

You Recognize the Essay’s Value by Its Introduction and Conclusion

Have you read the essay sample’s introduction and wanted to continue reading? Has it grabbed your attention? This is a great example of good work then. You must be inspired to create something of that kind on your own.

The same applies to the conclusion. If the author managed to finalize their ideas and you literally feel that you are brought to the end, this is the art. You should learn it by reading great samples.

Final Words

If you want to become a better writer, academic help platforms are what you need. You may or may not order paid services, but you are obliged to read as many samples as you can. They can help you understand the logic of academic writing and discover its beauty. Fortunately, most essay writing websites and platforms let you do this for free.

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