Home General SEO Strategies to Drive Organic Traffic In E-Commerce

SEO Strategies to Drive Organic Traffic In E-Commerce

by Olufisayo
SEO Strategies to Drive Organic Traffic

SEO is an easy reward with high returns for e-commerce websites. Even though Search Engine Optimization has an ROI from among the highest e-commerce marketing campaigns, innumerable online stores rely on paid ads on social media.

Such ads cost companies billions of dollars yearly, which continues to increase yearly. SEO, in contrast, primarily requires upfront effort- once a site has ranked, it can practically sell on autopilot mode without recurring expenses. Keeping these things in mind, getting any e-commerce business up and running is easy.

On e-commerce platforms, the best on-page strategy is ensuring all keywords are in their correct places. It provides that the search engines know what includes the page. It is essential because it helps to appear on the Search Engine Results Page features.

The following factors influence SERP ranking:

Keyword research

In any e-commerce research campaign, the first critical step is keyword research. In e-commerce, keyword research ensures that target keywords are easy to rank and have high conversion rates and sufficient search volume.

Product pages

It is inarguable that the most important pages to rank are the product and category pages. To optimize these pages, it is essential to put the target keywords in – the URL, the title tag, the body copy, image alt. text, and the metadata.

Content marketing

Content is a vital part of every marketing strategy in these modern times. Quality content is accessible for any e-commerce store to build backlinks and rank more keywords. Content helps fill gaps and ranking for short and long-tail keywords relating to the industry. Content marketing increases traffic, making it easy to build site links and improving the domain authority.

Technical SEO clean-up

The SEO process is about more than just keywords. It includes a technical side that manages small details and website minutia. When performing SEO audits or clean-ups, it is vital to understand and review the following aspects of the site:

Website Architecture

In e-commerce, site structure or architecture includes how the navigation gets set up, product pages, and category pages. At the core, it means getting the most relevant information or content in front of the customer with a minimal number of clicks to reach it. 10X white label design for web follows three priceless rules for great site architecture:

Making it scalable and simple

A maximum of three clicks to get a particular page from any other page. Keyword research helps to make relevant subdirectories and page URLs.

Page speed

It is essential to have a good site speed to rank well and enhance the user experience.


Redirects help send search engines and users to a new URL, different from the one originally requested. These redirects affect the SEO of the site; hence it is essential to make sure that there is a connection between the redirected URL and the original one to avoid losing SEO ranking.

Internal linking, HTTPS, mobile responsiveness, duplicate content, and sitemap are other vital parts of a good SEO strategy.

A good e-commerce SEO strategy will transform any business, attracting many visitors in no time. Thus, there are numerous ways to get site traffic, ranging from social media to emails and paid ads. However, organic traffic from search is the only reliable way, which is also self-sufficient, accessible, and easy to get.

Photo by NisonCo PR and SEO on Unsplash

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