Home General Should You Move Before or After Getting a New Job?

Should You Move Before or After Getting a New Job?

by Olufisayo
Should You Move Before or After Getting a New Job

With a lot of pre-planning, you can move to a new city without having a job lined up. And if luck is on your side, you won’t be out of work for long. Be sure you have at least four to six months of living expenses saved before you move.

This will help you can get by without earned income, it also assures future landlords you can pay the rent. As soon as you have a move date set, contact local recruiters to let them know you’re moving and looking for work. These pros can help you find permanent positions as well as part-time and contract work.

Determine a timeframe for finding a new job, research the job market in your new location. Be honest about what kind of job you’d be willing to take if needed, and consider the availability of “backup” employment.

You can find employment market information through headhunters and employment agencies and by looking at local job placement ads in newspapers and on employment websites, Facebook, and LinkedIn as well.

Before moving, compare the cost of living to your current situation and determine if your new salary will adequately cover your expenses. Obviously, $200,000 a year may equal comfortable living in one city but just barely getting by in another. Vancouver houses for sale are going to cost you a lot more than homes in Lougheed.

Moving can be one of the most stressful experiences some face. It’s right up there with divorce and death of a loved one. So, whether you are a seasoned professional considering a promotion or a recent college grad starting out in a new city, it’s worth taking the time to determine if moving for a job is the best option for you.

And if starting a new job wasn’t stressful enough, moving for a new job will surely add to your stress. Between looking for a new place to live, packing up all of your memories into boxes, and making a game plan for your new job, it can be hard to know what to do first.

At the end of the day, your well being is the most important factor when making a move. Be sure to have an exit strategy in case things don’t work out. Be honest with yourself and don’t be embarrassed if that’s what ends up happening.

Moving to a new city is a difficult decision that you will continue to question even after you’ve moved. With most decisions you make in life, there will always be the ‘what if’s’ and ‘did I make the right choice’, but you can make sure that you’re making a safe, healthy and informed decision being prepared.

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