Home General Simple Measures You Can Take to Secure Your Data on the Cloud

Simple Measures You Can Take to Secure Your Data on the Cloud

by Olufisayo
cloud storage

When was the last time you transferred files to a CD or USB flash drive to give somebody an extra copy? While some still use these methods, many people now send and receive files thanks to the convenience of the cloud. However, unlike keeping your files stashed away in a CD or hard drive in the comfort of your office or home, saving things to an online storage service comes with certain risks of its own. Are there any ways you can keep your files safe?

Here’s some advice on how to better protect your data on the cloud:

cloud storage

Don’t Store Too Much Information in the Cloud

Yes, it’s incredibly convenient, and you’ll be able to access those files any time you need to get some paperwork done. That’s the appeal of the cloud: you can get your data no matter where you happen to be staying and at any time of the day. However, if you have other options available to you, why not consider saving your sensitive data using alternative methods instead? While there may be times you can’t avoid uploading confidential files to the cloud, the less data you put up there, the less damage you’ll expect to take in case your data were to be breached.

Make Your Passwords as Strong as Possible

It’s time to stop using your birthdate or your pet’s name as a password. If you’re going to create one, make it as difficult as possible to decrease your chances of getting hacked. After all, at least 90% of passwords are easily cracked, and all within a few seconds. There are many tips out there on how to create strong but easy-to-remember passwords, but to save yourself the headache of memorizing more than a dozen keys, you may want to invest in an app that can save your logins and generate passwords on the fly.

Don’t Forget to Encrypt All of Your Files

If someone where to gain access to your account on the cloud, are there any other measures you could put into place to try and stop them at that point? You can put up one more barrier between a virtual trespasser and your files, and you can do this by encrypting every single one of your files before uploading them. However, make sure you don’t forget your personal encryption password, as most software won’t give you a way to recover it. After all, that’s the whole idea of encryption: only you will have access to your files.

Implementing these tips may seem like a hassle, but putting up some extra measures now can save you from potentially life-threatening hacks down the line. Be mindful about how much sensitive data you upload, create passwords that aren’t so easy to guess, and add an extra layer of protection by encrypting your files. Once you’ve gotten used to using all three of these strategies, it’ll become second nature to carry them out, and you’ll find yourself with less security issues to worry about.

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1 comment

5 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Protect Customer Data May 24, 2016 - 1:05 PM

[…] scandal. A cloud service is a good tool, but it isn’t always safe. To make it safer, you need to encrypt all of your data. Then, even if someone does hack it, they won’t be able to use for their benefit. Strong […]

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