Home Business Small Business Software and Technology Tools

Small Business Software and Technology Tools

by Olufisayo
Small Business Tools

There are a number of tools needed for operating a small business. Which tools you need depends on the nature of your business. There are tools for generating sales, reservations, managing cash flows, accounting systems, credit card system tools, employee management, inventory tracking, fulfilling orders, shipping, customer support, and customer retention.

The use of technology and HR software tools like the ones offered by Factorial can provide time-saving, cost-effective management means to help you make better decisions about your team and your business. Outsourcing tasks like accounting, shipping, sales, marketing, and reservations are effective means to free your time for other necessary tasks.

For example, if you managed a campground or RV park, you need to use tools to market your facility, take reservations, provide for customer arrival, maintain facilities, and do a host of day-to-day tasks.

To ease the burden of advertising, sales, and reservations, you may use a tool like campground management software. The benefit to you is the consolidation of marketing and sales efforts and reservations into a simple organized unit effectively reaching potential customers.

Your time is freed to perform other tasks for maintenance, repair, improvements, even managing a small store or souvenir shop or equipment sales or rental. The benefit to customers for this simple software integration is the ease of finding you, maps, grids, and the security of knowing what to find and expect. Software and technology tools abound for almost any industry.

The secrets of entrepreneurship introduces solutions to a number of helpful tools for a large variety of businesses. You will find information for credit card processing tools, marketing options and systems, employee management, business formation, and many other systems and tools available to help you along the way.

The most powerful tool any business has today is a computer with internet access. Almost every business, including brick and mortar establishments, use computers for some aspects of their operations, whether for marking, accounting, payroll, or customer files. There are many programs and applications that may be used for almost any business to increase productivity, save costs, or promote sales. Listed below are a few ideas for helpful tools.

Skype is a free voice and video call application downloadable to your computer or phone. You may use it to communicate with customers, employees, contractors, associates, or even as a podcast device.

PicMonkey is a free online image editing tool with shareable graphics perfect for your company blog and social media posts.

Gumroad is a free shopping cart program for those who sell digital products online. The software easily installs on any website accepting checkout payments and auto-delivery of the digital products.

Shopify is for those who want an easy-to-set-up online retail store. Service includes uploading products and managing inventory, shopping cart, and payment processing built-in. It is very easy to use.

Google is a search engine generating over 75% of all internet searches. It can be used to promote your business or for searching for the information you need for your business. It is taken for granted by many but is a very valuable business tool.

Fiverr is a outsource marketplace for finding goods and services. There are a wide variety of business and personal services. If you have any needs this site is worth checking out. It includes SEO services, graphics, writing, business social media, WordPress, book covers, and many, many other services.

Mailchimp is an email marketing service created to help market and grow your business providing everything from marketing campaigns to website landing pages.

LegalZoom is an online service providing do-it-yourself legal documents without a lawyer. Documents include wills and living trusts, business forms documents, copyright registrations, and trademark applications.

Freshbooks is a service for online invoicing, time tracking software, and expense services to save you time and effort. For a small business, this service will help you keep on top of billing and expenses.

Wave Accounting is a free tool to help you manage payroll and business receipts.

GoCo is an online human resources management system that provides an all-in-one HR service, providing document management, time-off tracking, performance management, compliance, and benefits administration.

Goodhire is an online employment verification service for background checks, reference checks, employment verification, and even pre-hire skills tests.

For additional tools and ideas visit the Small Business Administration.

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