Home Business Social Media: A Guide for Maximizing Your Social Outreach

Social Media: A Guide for Maximizing Your Social Outreach

by Olufisayo
Social Media

For any kind of marketing campaign, social media platforms are the corner piece for audience outreach and inbound traffic.

We’re going to take an in-depth look at what makes these platforms so successful for marketers and how you can maximize your audience outreach with automated tools and careful planning.

Social Media Statistics

Take a look at some of these numbers –

Average Daily Time Spent:

  • 40 minutes on YouTube
  • 35 minutes on Facebook
  • 25 minutes on Snapchat
  • 15 minutes on Instagram
  • 1 minute on Twitter


Monthly Active Users:

  • 1 billion on YouTube
  • 55 billion on Facebook
  • 301 million on Snapchat
  • 400 million on Instagram
  • 320 million on Twitter

With that kind of exposure and an audience as dedicated as this, it’s no wonder social media is such an integral part of marketing.

And, the best part of it all?

It’s free. Well, almost.

See, promoting content and reaching an audience may be free (for the most part) on social platforms, but it still takes up one of your most valuable resources: Time.

So, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best tools you can use to streamline your content promotion and start capitalizing on your new free time.

First, though, it’s important to get the basics down:

Are You Using the Right Channels?

We can’t stress this enough – It’s extremely important you understand your customer demographics and what social platforms they’re using.

For instance, Snapchat’s demographic is predominantly young, with people under 25 making up 60% of its user base. So, it stands to reason that a business catering to the needs of baby boomers wouldn’t use snapchat as a marketing platform.

So, take a look at your audience data and design a carefully thought out marketing strategy accordingly.

To help you with the process, here’s a highly in-depth article giving you the basic run down of social channels and their user demographics.

Streamline Your Content Delivery

You’ve got your audience down, you know which social channels will give you the best reach, and now it’s time to start cranking out your content and reaching your customers.

It takes a lot of time to do that, though – time that you may not have.

The solution? Curate, and automate your content deliveries with some of these effective tools listed below.

  1. Quuu

The great thing about Quuu is their ability to provide the exact content you need in hand-  picked archives.

Here’s how it works: On their side, they have a team of people called “Quuurators” who read through massive oceans of content, pick the gems out, and place them into categories. You then pick a category, enter your social media platforms, and connect to your Buffer account.

The rest is smooth, automated sailing.

  1. The Kevan Lee Method (Pocket to Buffer IFFTT)

This method takes a little bit of setting up, but once you manage to coordinate your Pocket and Buffer accounts, then use an IFFTT recipe, you’ll be amazed by how easy the content comes.

Here’s a taste of how your daily routine would look:

  • Find an article from an authoritative source
  • Save it to Pocket
  • Sift through your saved articles
  • Choose your favorites
  • IFFTT transfers it over to Buffer
  • Buffer tweets it out

Streamlined, safe, and effective.

  1. Feedly

If you aren’t yet familiar with Feedly, it lets you set up RSS feeds from your most viewed websites.

Feedly makes it easy to save time by allowing you to organize your feed into collections. For example, if you’re needing SEO blogs, direct marketing blogs, and email marketing blogs, you can just organize articles you come across into those separate collections.

Once you find an interesting article, you can share it a few ways:

  • Share it to individual channels (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest
  • Save it to Pocket, and follow the method above
  • Share it via Buffer or Hootsuite (with a paid integration)

Now, let’s make sharing your content as easy as possible.

Automate Your Content Delivery

Everyone’s caught on to the riches of social media promotion, so the sea is a little saturated when it comes to content being pushed on these platforms. It’s unlikely your audience will see your posts the first time around.

So, here are a few services that help automate your content delivery:

  1. Missinglettr

Missinglettr is unique in its ability to create drip campaigns automatically for you.

Once setup, it monitors your blog constantly, and posts all your new content to Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google Plus – Facebook and Pinterest are being added soon.

Then, you just need to approve the campaign, and Missinglettr automatically sets up a new drip marketing campaign. These campaigns last up to 12 months, so you’re sure to get that return traffic that blogging is notorious for.

  1. Tailwind

Tailwind is perfect for visual media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest.

It allows you to save tons of time by scheduling Pins and Instagram posts from anywhere using their streamlined app. It also works by monitoring the success of each post to allow you to reuse your best ones to attract even more online attention.

If you have topics that relate to several different boards, you can add all of those boards onto your Tailwind list. Then, when you’re ready to post, Tailwind will post your content to every single board in the list with a simple click.

  1. Social Jukebox

Social Jukebox is a lifesaver for evergreen content promotion.

Here’s how it works: You create a “jukebox” of content that you want posted at certain intervals of time. For instance, you could create a jukebox of quotes that you want posted every hour on the dot. Then, you create another jukebox of blogs that you want posted every 23 hours, etc.

It keeps your content flowing, and your followers growing over a consistent period.

Managing Your Social Presence

So, you’ve come up with some great tools to help streamline the process of curating, scheduling, and delivering your content across multiple social platforms, which is fantastic!

However, now you’ve got to keep up with the human initiative of social media.

Here are some more great ways to keep the human touch present when you engage with your followers:

  1. The Old School Method

If you’re only dealing with a couple of platforms like Twitter and Facebook in your marketing campaign, then there really isn’t a need to automate your engagement with followers – It’s easy to go on those respective platforms and monitor your mentions and comments.

However, once your followers grow to a daunting size, and you branch out into more channels, it can become difficult to keep track of everything.

So, here are two tools than can help you deal with the tide:

  1. Sprout Social

A notorious social media monitoring platform, Sprout Social makes it easy for individuals and large teams to monitor communications through their Smart Inbox.

  • Sprout allows you to engage with multiple customers while keeping all your mentions in one simple space.
  • You can tag certain messages to share the workload when working with a team.
  • You can also hide completed messages from the inbox to keep from getting unfocused on the outstanding tasks at hand.
  1. AgoraPulse

AgoraPulse helps you manage three specific social channels: Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Here’s how it works: AgoraPulse has an “email-like” system that includes all sorts of information – Mentions, likes, comments, etc. For each message, you can reply, review, retweet, share, or assign it to a colleague if you’re working on a team. Then, when you interact with any of the messages, AgoraPulse archives them all for you to help you stay organized.

When it comes to managing your social media content promotion, quality discipline is needed to make the most out of your time.

Set specific portions of time for your social engagement, and stick to them religiously.

These tools will all help tremendously in your efforts, and you’re bound to have a plethora of followers across all your social channels within no time.

Finally, remember to create your own, original content from time to time – Your audience will thank you for it.

Author: Georgi Todorov

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1 comment

Khan @Freemig Inc July 20, 2017 - 6:51 AM

social networking sites make our life easier but it has bad site also. so keep trying to use as far as need.

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