Home Entrepreneurship Startups: Don’t Make These Fatal Mistakes!

Startups: Don’t Make These Fatal Mistakes!

by Olufisayo
Startups Fatal Mistakes

Running a startup can be a difficult and scary business. It’s crucial that you do all of the right things to get your business off the ground, and one wrong move could be the end of your dream.

If you’re a startup, avoid making these fatal mistakes!

Doing it all On Your Own

Hardly anybody would be able to launch a startup on their own. They’re stressful, and you’ll need somebody to help you straighten out your thoughts and come up with ideas. You’ll find you’re way more productive if you have other people to assist you.

Startups Fatal Mistakes

Having Too Many People to Do it With

Now, while you shouldn’t start up this company alone, you shouldn’t try to do it with too many people at once. It might seem like a good idea at the time, but there will nearly always be friction. Everybody will need to pull their weight for it to work, and even then there are likely to be some arguments. Many businesses that start out with multiple co-founders end up with just one or two anyway.

Going Out all the Time

There are lots of opportunities to go out and meet other startups and perhaps have a drink or two when you’re launching your business. However, if you’re not getting the balance right this can look off to investors and customers. You should definitely be spending most of your time at your desk.

Being Greedy

If you’re a clever entrepreneur, you should know when to sell up. So many startups received amazing offers from companies like Google, only to turn them down in the hopes of making more. What happened to them? They quickly deteriorated. Don’t be greedy and know when the right time to leave the table is for you.

Failing to Write a Business Plan

A business plan is the one thing you need to help you move forward when you might be feeling lost. It can help you secure funding, and answer some important questions that you’ll want insight to somewhere down the line. What’s your mission? Who are your customers? Whenever you feel stuck or you want to add something new to your service, you can refer back to the business plan. You can even write the marketing techniques you’ll use in there. One of the best places to advertise is Las Vegas, because it has so many people visit each month. Write that down.

Not Taking Care of Your Cash Properly

For a startup, money is one of the most important aspects and needs taking care of properly. You should be careful not to spend too much, as you need to keep as much cash in reserve as possible to ensure you don’t go under. Don’t get too ‘hire happy’ and take on too many members of staff than you can handle at first. You never know; there might be an expensive change to make somewhere down the line, but if you don’t have the funds then it all goes to pot. Working with someone who is good with numbers, like a qualified accountant is the best thing for this.

If you avoid these fatal mistakes as a startup, you can get your business off the ground in no time.

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1 comment

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