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3 Steps to Simplifying Your Busy Morning Routine

by Olufisayo
Morning Routine

On a busy workday, the mornings before your commute can feel so rushed that you hardly have time to wake up and prepare for the day ahead before you find yourself in the office, ready to begin working.

Some people have trouble sleeping at night due to the impending stress of all they need to do in a limited amount of time before work in the morning, and some are frequently late to work due to difficulties in scheduling or managing time.

If you find yourself in a rush in the mornings all too often and are looking for a way to get your workdays off to a better start, here are 4 tips for simplifying your morning routine.

1. Prep Everything the Night Before

Although this may sound like common sense to some, many people don’t prepare every aspect of the things they will need in the mornings and waste time scrambling to find things or do tasks like assembling their lunch or styling their hair. Before you go to bed each weeknight, you should do as much as you can so that you can spend minimal time in the morning getting things ready for the day.

Lay out your outfit for the morning and style your hair after a shower, before bed. Put your Lean Kitchen meal in your lunch bag and keep it in the fridge, ready to grab and go. Take the guesswork out of your morning routine, and prepare everything for yourself in advance so you can wake up and get going.

2. Take Breakfast to Go

If your type of work allows you to take a small breakfast into the office to eat at your desk, doing so could save time in the morning and ensure that you don’t skip out on breakfast, leaving you hungry and at risk for lower rates of productivity throughout the day.  Some good options for this are yogurt cups or microwavable oatmeal, which can be easily taken on the go and don’t require any additional preparation in the office.

3. Place Important Items in Sight

One of the worst feelings is running late in the morning and being unable to locate important items you need, like your keys or purse. When you are prepping the rest of your things for the morning, place your keys and other valuables in plain sight. For added simplicity, place these items near the door, so you know you can grab them on your way out.

Taking the time to make your mornings easier will help you get a stress-free start to your day. Use these 3 easy steps to simplify your workday morning routine and you’re sure to be in a great mood all day long.

Photo by August de Richelieu

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