Home General Talkspace Moves Forward With More Funding In It’s Pocket

Talkspace Moves Forward With More Funding In It’s Pocket

by Olufisayo

It seems that at least some investors are keen on the platform known as Talkspace. This revolutionary company has helped pave the way for access to psychological health for thousands of people who did not have it before. It has actually changed the way that so many of us view mental health in the first place. It is now a product that can be enjoyed by the many and not just the few.

The Company’s Promise

Talkspace began in 2012 with the simple notion that more people need access to mental healthcare than those who have it now. They offer a program whereby users pay a subscription fee in order to have unlimited access to speak with one of the thousands of mental health professionals that Talkspace contracts with. There are more than five-thousand such professionals on the platform. The user gets to select his or her professional and share with that individual whatever issues may be troubling them.



What you may not have realized about Talkspaceis that they partner with many employers and even insurance providers to offer their services as far and wide as possible. This benefits the company obviously, but it also means that more people than ever before have access to their amazing products. Talkspace reviews have been nothing but positive. Some employers offer it as a perk for coming to work there. Others at least offer the kind of insurance that covers this type of thing.

The public and increasingly many companies are starting to realize that mental health counts just as much if not more than physical health. Both are clearly important, but society has long valued physical health over mental. We have neglected our mental health to disastrous results. That is just not acceptable. Employers are waking up to the fact that when they have employers with better mental health they get more out of them.

The Company Picks Up Major Funding

This concept and idea is obviously not a fly by night kind of operation. Investors have forked over $50 million dollars in the Series D funding for this brand. What investors are so excited about is the growth in this company. In the seven years that it has been around it has managed to get one million paying subscribers according to the CEO. That same CEO also said that the company is generating tens of millions of dollars in revenue. There are even rumors that it may soon consider an initial public offering (IPO) on the public stock markets.

The latest round of funding brings the total up to $110 million dollars. Clearly this latest round spells out the fact that investors are serious about this company. They are the name brand in the industry as they are leaders in coming up with this kind of idea.

The Future

Numbers are spiking in terms of those seeking mental health services. This is excellent news in the sense that it means that people are actually doing something to try to help their mental health situation. It is clearly also good news for this company as they are hoping to be a major provider of much of that service.

The prices being offered by this company are nothing short of astounding. You only have to shell out about $79 a week for the ability to talk with a licensed therapist online. Those who choose to just receive text messages from their professional pay only $49 per week for that service. That is unlimited messaging with that professional! This is much more affordable and therefore much more accessible for the vast majority of people.

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