Home Entrepreneurship The All-Time Bright Powerhouse of Energy

The All-Time Bright Powerhouse of Energy

by Olufisayo
Powerhouse of Energy

That shining star above us is, in fact, the best and most reliable source for electricity production; the reliability differs from one country to another depending upon the demand for energy of that particular country. The degree of sunlight and the temperature of that area too, determine the consistency of the power supply.

Several neighboring countries of Norway like Germany, Finland and Sweden have witnessed escalating usage rates of solar power unlike in Norway. But surely the scenario has been changing lately for the better.

Types of electricity production in Norway

Quite a few methods are adopted in the production of electricity in the country, the widely used one being hydroelectricity followed by wind power, solar energy and also burning gas is one method adopted by which the consumption is very sporadically encountered.


Norway is one among the top 10 countries developing the highest amount of hydroelectricity. The profusion of water resources in the country has made them to rely more on this form of production. Majority of the hydroelectricity produced in the country is attributed to the public sector facility of the country, of which the production could be divided among the municipalities, counties and states.

The hydropower being one of the main resources to garner the required electric power to run the country, few organizations supply the electricity produced in these power plants directly to the users, for more details on the supply visit http://xn--strm365-s1a.no/stromleverandorer/eidsiva-energi/.

More than 95% of the produce being generated by harnessing the gushing waters, the renewability of the resources then gets limited to certain energy sources. The country with its already well-labored infrastructure for the hydroelectric power plants, propensity for the reliance on this resource stands strong.

Wind Power

Drone surveys of the wind turbines in several countries give an almost accurate detailing of the onshore and offshore installed turbines with the minimal risks these could be subjected to and the progressive potential of these structures with an enhanced longevity, which is yet to be explored to its complete potential in the country which is expected to see a rise by the next year.

Solar Power

Solar power consumption is reportedly less than 0.1% of the overall power consumption in Norway. Solar power production has witnessed a hike in the span of the last few years which needs to hit a number essential to at least keep sustainable development a sustainable concept. The photovoltaic capacity in the country has been pitched quite high of which the solar power stands on feeble standards.

Essential change in the production strategy

Norway needs to seriously envisage its power production methods and develop a reasonably well-balanced division of power consumption within the available resources. The fast-growing economic status and developmental strategies might need a rectification wherein the possibility of a better renewability status for all the sources of energy supply does not remain a hazy reality.

Sunlight and temperature are two deciding factors of the viability of the solar power production units. Intensity of sunlight does matter when it comes to solar cells since those rays are the food for the photosynthesis of electricity, once the intensity hits a low, the efficiency of the solar cells plummets to a bare minimum; whereas the temperature plays the key role in a reverse manner.

As low as the temperature goes, the efficiency of the cells hit the high end of the spectrum. Solar panels in the winter season are a scenario which most people consider as a foreboding one. But in actual fact, these panels work at its best efficiency at lower temperatures at about -5 degrees Celsius with a substantial amount of sunlight rather than in the case of temperatures ranging at 20 degrees with a clear sky.

Recent protests against climate change all around the world need to be seriously considered and acted upon before the world turns out into one huge anarchy. Norway, of all the countries, has the capability to act towards developing the state of “not a mere nominal renewable energy production and conservation.”

All the developing countries are laying out certain plans and strategies to incorporate the scope of a better sustainable state which needs to materialize at the earliest at an incomprehensible rate so that the resources replenish in an equally balanced format, else the options for a better future would fade away with the unwarranted daily acts of people.

With the recent unsolicited, but ironically human inflicted erratic climatic conditions and diminishing water levels, the country’s productivity in all domains is being sabotaged or even for that matter the whole world’s existence is at risk.

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