Home Business The Secret to Designing Awesome Business Proposals

The Secret to Designing Awesome Business Proposals

by Olufisayo
The Secret to Designing Awesome Business Proposals

The aim of good business presentations should be to show that you possess a firm and clear understanding of what you do. Exceptional business proposals are just the perfect weapon for this. They capture every aspect of your idea in the most comprehensive and accurate way.

As an advantage, you don’t require any complicated tools to do it.  All you need is in-depth details about what you want to write about and a simple, inexpensive tool to help you present everything in the right format. (However, if you need advanced features and a streamlined way of doing it – business proposal tools like this one from Qwilr, do come in handy)

Every profession out there requires you to learn how to write a good business proposal. In essence, a good proposal will be useful when you want to pitch for a dream job when the opportunity arises. If you decide to go the entrepreneurial way, good proposals will be useful when you want to land business deals with potential investors, partners, and customers.

The Secret to Designing Awesome Business Proposals

Presentation Does Matter

When preparing business proposals, presentation matters the most. Here is some good news- Gone are the days when coming up with an alluring business presentation format was an overwhelmingly daunting task. Today, technology offers absolutely easy-to-follow online templates aimed at making your business proposal stand out. Endless design elements including a collection of fonts, backgrounds, colors, and custom images are available at your disposal. All you have to do is to choose a proven design tool that offers you the preferred design elements necessary for helping you present your ideas in a professional way!

Graphics Incorporated into the Layout Design. Are they really necessary?

When designing proposals, most people find themselves confused when it comes to formatting, specifically, the use of graphics. That’s why we have to answer this troubling question before moving on any further. Here’s the answer: The business world has evolved. What was applicable some years ago has already become obsolete.

In today’s highly competitive business world, quality graphics are becoming a necessity. People see them as the ultimate way of creating a winning business proposal. However, before adding that seductive value, it is important to know when, where, and how to use the graphics. Graphics should only serve to make the proposal appealing to the eye.

The Basics of Crafting your Business Proposal

Designing Awesome Business Proposals

Even with the assistance of online business proposal templates, you will still be required to personally feed in information about your business or discuss with your team. Important to note, the language of a business proposal should be formal just like any other official document. In the end, you want a document that creates a rapport with the reader and most importantly, one that communicates your ideas to the core even without you being present to make explanations.

The length of the proposal is another key point. Long business presentations, especially those formatted poorly, are prone to automatic rejection. Be precise while using text formatting tools like the underline and bold feature to emphasize key points. Keep this in mind, Job recruiters, prospective clients or whomever you are trying to contact might not have time to go through something with unnecessary filler info. Probably, you are not the only one sending a business proposal. For most recruiters and target investors, it will be a question of who brings in more business.

The tricks

A successful business proposal should utilize a number of tricks.

Firstly, use images and illustrations to support your text. A proposal with high-quality images and other forms of illustrations such as charts, graphs, and diagrams always stands out. Why? Illustrations stand out at first glance. This makes them the “face” of your entire business proposal. A proposal without these seems boring and might end up in the trash pile.

Secondly, you will have to identify the ideal pitch for selling your idea. Do you have the ability to convince the reader that you have the ultimate solution to the problem at hand?  If not, bring your team in. That’s right! Advanced design tools like Canva allow you to collaborate with experts while you are making the proposal. Let them pitch in their ideas and any other relevant edits to your business proposal.

Thirdly, emphasize on the unique benefits offered by your solution all through.  Rotate around what the client will get at the end of it all (in the long run), not what you can offer at the moment. Use past client testimonials to showcase your ability to produce results. The italic font design is perfect if you want to include spoken testimonials from previous business experience.

Finally, finish strongly. A good way to conclude your business proposal is with an inviting call to action. It shouldn’t sound desperate though. It should be a conclusive statement asking (not pleading with) the reader to hop on the bandwagon of success with you. Don’t forget to include all your contact details such as the Skype ID, email address, and phone number at the very end. These should stand out from the rest of the text.

Get ahead easily

A good way to make your proposal stick out of the pile is to think like your competitor. Think of what everyone else will be duplicating and make an effort to avoid it. If you are a brand targeting a large consumer firm, you should do good research to be able to offer the client a competitive price.

Proposal budgets

Most investors are more interested in learning how much will be spent on your project. This being the case, you don’t want to scare them off before they even read your business proposal. Use tools like graphs and charts to break down your budget into segments. This will make your budget seem less overstated, more accurate, and more competitive in case of other competitors seeking the same opportunity as you.

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1 comment

How To Write A Business Proposal January 4, 2020 - 11:00 AM

[…] business proposal is a great way to bridge the gap between you and your potential customers. It is also a great way […]

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