Home General Things That You Should Know About Plastic Industry in Australia

Things That You Should Know About Plastic Industry in Australia

by Olufisayo
Plastic Industry in Australia

The plastic manufacturers in Australia had to improve services on waste management. This pertains to the recycling industry which should maximize the use of technology.

Plastic waste is one of the major problems worldwide that causes pollution and climate change. Aussies, for instance, use billions of plastic products annually. Its impact for the next 30 years or less would be overpopulated landfills that many individuals might suffer. There is no other way rather than to pursue a recycling habit to reduce plastic waste. This will prevail when industries collaborate with the government’s plans regarding waste solutions.

The Current Plastic Waste Scenario in Australia

Several industries are yielding plastic waste in Australia. According to statistics, 75% of plastic use comes from groceries and supermarkets. The rest come from other retailers, such as fast food, containers, and liquor outlets.

One possible method to relieve plastic waste is to ban single-use of plastic products. The government believes that it would eliminate a huge percentage of trash. It takes a full commitment to realize a long-term outcome, may it be from supermarkets or small businesses.

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Policy

Australia came up with a policy that everybody could participate in. The goal is to bring awareness to plastic use with easy solutions – the 3Rs.

Cutting down plastic use is possible since the material is designed for several uses. Aussies are encouraged to be more creative to innovate plastic items. There are also recycling facilities that can help in handling plastic waste across the country.

Why Plastic Industries Should Increase Recycling Capacity?

Plastic industries in Australia satisfy more than half of the market. Such a great demand comes from wholesale and machinery firms which consume over 1 million tons of plastic each year. Only 20% of the said amount of plastic is recycled, and this is threatening.

The new technology plays a vital role in helping Melbourne-wide recycle plastics. These are major materials in packaging items and are better than paper bags in terms of durability. Plastic also provides greater convenience for longer use.

The following are the advantages of recycling plastic:

1. Plastic Recycling Benefits Environment

In less than 40 years, the oceans will contain more plastic than fish, according to the 2016 World Economic Forum. Even though it would be a tragic sight, people can still do something to prevent that. Plastic industries that are bound by the ocean can reduce greenhouse gasses which could be harmful to marine life and humans. For the benefit of the majority, Australia can contribute to turning such an event around.

Recycling plastic will lower carbon emissions to the ecosystem. This is the least thing that anyone can do but would contribute a lot.

Some kinds of plastic have a positive impact on nature differently. HDPE, for example, uses less energy by up to 88% which is 10% more than PET. It is also easier to recycle than the other alternatives.

2. Plastic Recycling Reduces Landfill Needs

As the population continues to rise, so does the number of landfills. Since it indicates an increase in waste, this can be a cause for concern.

The tons of domestic plastic waste will double in 2025, hence developing a more efficient process to recycle plastic is necessary. This number can occupy the majority of landfill space, which has become a problem in recent years.

One of the best ways to slow down the disposal process is through recycling. Additionally, it helps make the most of the space available in the landfill for other types of waste. Australians plan to increase the use of soft plastic which promotes lesser waste that will benefit landfills a lot.

3. Plastic Recycling Creates Employment Opportunities

Did you know that anyone can find a decent job with plastic waste? Well, recycling plastic will need manpower to innovate plastic products.

In Australia, where most packaging materials are made of plastic, it is crucial to turn them into new products to reduce waste. This means hiring more workers as there was an increase in the volume of plastic waste in the past years that needed to be recycled. Some of the items are turned into furniture, signage, and other items.

Opportunities include long-term positions that are best suited to workers with and without skills. In contrast to jobs in the corporate sector, jobs related to recycling require only a few technical skills. To mention a few of the possible jobs due to plastic waste include sorting jobs, drivers, engineers, and facility workers.

4. Plastic Recycling Helps Overall Economy

Recycling is like a circular motion that would benefit both manufacturers and consumers. The overall economy can take advantage of recycled plastic by turning it into new products instead of inappropriate disposal. People’s mindset shifts to become beneficiaries rather than just consumers of their waste as a result. They learn to come up with new ideas rather than just tossing things away.

Re-manufacturing plastics is now possible with the new technology. Australia chose to focus on long-run waste solutions. Though costly in earlier years, it will be worthwhile across the country.

Final Thoughts

The plastic industry in Australia is learning ways to control waste to benefit the world. Recycling is the best solution for too much plastic waste. However, it demands great cooperation between firms and the public to achieve a healthier environment.

Image by rawpixel.com on Freepik

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