Home General 5 Tips to Work from Home Successfully During LockDown

5 Tips to Work from Home Successfully During LockDown

by Olufisayo

Right now, we all are going through a tough time. A time that we probably never imagined. Well, where all of this current situation is quite depressing and stressful, we still need to stay positive because sooner or later, this time will pass, and we all will be free.

For now, there’s too much terror around. People are worried about the virus, people are worried about the vaccine, they are worried about self-isolation, and on top of everything, the anxiety in each and every house is building up with time because economically and financially, most people aren’t stable due to lockdown.

In a nutshell, things aren’t going pretty well, but no matter what it is, you have to make the best out of this time and use it positively. Speaking of which, if you are here today looking for productivity tips, it’s obvious that you want to do something with all this time that you have.

Well if that’s the case then here are some of the most effective things you can do to maintain your productivity during lockdown;

1- Act like you are going to the office

The first thing you have to do is to somehow convince your brain that you have to follow your office routine. If not the routine, you can at least become a little professional even when working from home.

One of the most difficult things that you’ll come across is that it will be hard for you to adjust to your home office routine, but eventually, you’ll get used to it. You just need to keep reminding yourself that this is temporary and you don’t have an option but to accept the whole situation.

2- Stick to a routine

Just like in the office, you need to decide your working hours at home. It’s true that you don’t have much to do all day, but that doesn’t mean that you should keep shuffling your work hours, right? Well, if you do agree with us on this, then decide your daily working hours and then stick to that time. This way, you might be able to boost your productivity levels without any hassle.

3- Prepare a to-do list

When you are working from home, you are your own manager. This means that you have to manage your work yourself, and you have to decide what tasks you need to complete by the end of each day. This is why and where a to do list will come in handy to you.

You need to set goals at the end of each day and make sure to fulfill them at any given cost, the next day. This is the only effective way to cope with the current lockdown situation while keeping your work undisturbed.

4- Think like an entrepreneur

As said earlier, you have to manage all your work-related tasks yourself. Even if you are doing a job or working for some other company, you still need to start thinking ‘entrepreneurially’. This refers to the fact that you have to think like it’s your own business that you are running, and you have to save it and keep it above the water at any cost.

5- Stay in contact

Last but not the least, we know it’s time to self isolate yourself, but you can still interact with your colleagues and your boss etc on the internet. In short, stay active online and keep in touch with everyone. The more active you are, the easier it will be for you to act professionally and work just like you used to, in your office.


Using these tips can make a lot of difference for you. So try them because we know that with just a little dedication and effort, you’ll be able to make the best out of this time and stay productive.

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