Home Business Top 5 Items Every Reception Area Must Have

Top 5 Items Every Reception Area Must Have

by Olufisayo
Items Every Reception Area Must Have

After the ads of a business, its website, and the voice on the phone, your reception area is the first real experience of your company that customers and business partners have. As you think of ideas for how to put an impressive reception area together, you need to keep in mind the kind of image that you wish to have it project.

Many businesses put a lot of thought into making their reception areas look modern, expensive, and impressive. What they forget, though, is that businesses need to look thoughtful, as well.

A reception area without easy access to a drink of water, some snacks, and a restroom, for instance, doesn’t offer much of an impression. As with anything else to do with running a business, you succeed when you put yourself in the shoes of the people you serve.

Take a look at the reception area of your office. If it doesn’t have the following thoughtful features to make it look comfortable and attractive, you have some work to do.

Start out with the artistry

Certainly, an office reception area needs attractive décor. Many visitors, though, are likely to notice a couple of things even sooner – your choice of background music and your selection of office art.

Art affects people in curious ways. Whether your visitors are business partners or customers, they are likely to feel well-disposed towards your company when they see art that they respect and when hear an agreeable selection of music.

Office art doesn’t need to take itself too seriously. It simply needs to be tasteful, cheerful, and positive. Landscapes and photo prints work very well.

While the art displayed in an office cannot be changed to suit the visitor coming in, it is possible to offer the visitor a choice of music. All it takes is a micro stereo system on a table with a remote control right next to it. While visitors may not want to go to the trouble of changing the music playing, they’ll appreciate the gesture.

Provide coat racks

As soon as your visitors step into your reception area, the first thing they’ll need to do is to put away their coats and umbrellas. Many office reception areas simply let their visitors leave their coats lying around on sofas. Not only does this look messy, but it also isn’t a thoughtful way to deal with a basic need visitors have. Ample coat storage space is important.

Give your visitors a seat

Your visitors will be seated most of the time that they spend in your reception area. Stores like Rapid Office Systems provide excellent modular seating systems to help offices put seating arrangements together in whatever way they choose.

Modular seating systems are inexpensive, lightweight, and available in a variety of colors and shapes to suit any office décor. A few well-placed tables can be a good idea, too.

Arranging for reading materials and reading lamps

Few things can make an office stand out for its thoughtfulness the way a well-updated reading rack can. This shouldn’t be the kind of sorry affair that the literature offering in doctors’ offices generally are – old, dog-eared, and outdated. A good selection of recent reading material that is likely to appeal to your audience can make a very good impression.

It can make no sense to provide your visitors with reading material if all they have is fashionably dim lighting to read it by. You need to stand out in your thoughtfulness here – well-placed reading lamps are a good idea.

Finally, give your visitors access to a few basic amenities

Visitors to your office will likely appreciate access to the office Wi-Fi to check their mail and a charging point for their phones or laptops. In these data-obsessed times, these amenities are likely to make the best impression of all.

Photo by Proxyclick Visitor Management System from Pexels

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