Home Business Top Tips for Recruiting In 2019

Top Tips for Recruiting In 2019

by Olufisayo
recruiting in 2019

When you ask a room full of business owners what one of their least favourite tasks is, you’ll find that many of them will say recruiting. The entire process can be time-consuming, draining and costly if you can’t find the right candidates soon enough.

The good news is that we have put together some tips to help you with your recruiting in 2019. Keep reading if you’d like to find out more about this.

recruiting in 2019

Improve The Candidate Experience

When a candidate applies for a position in a business, they want to be kept updated about the current status of their application. Simply applying for a role and not hearing anything back from the employer or a recruiter for months can be very off-putting, and it often means that a candidate will apply elsewhere.

For this reason, we suggest that you try to improve your candidate experiencein 2019. Send an email letting them know that you have their application and explain who will be handling it. You can also let them know when they should assume that they haven’t been successful if you aren’t going to get back to everyone individually. These simple steps will improve the candidate experience and keep people interested in the role.

Use An Executive Staffing Agency

In 2019, many top firms are using an executive search firm to find the right candidates. There is no need to be wasting resources on the recruitment part of your business when you could have an executive staffing agency do all of the work for you. All you’ll need to do is provide a job description and pay them a fee. If you want to know how much the recruiting fees are, you can look to the agency TruPath for an example. They outline the fees on their website which will allow you to work out what it will cost your business.  The executive search firm will find top-quality candidates and you will find that recruiting is much easier than you thought.

Use Social Media

Our final tip for those who are thinking about recruiting in 2019 is to use social media. Of course, there are some rules with this as you’ll only want to use the right social channels that are suited to your business. One of the best social media sites to use for recruitment in 2019 is LinkedIn which many businesses use every single day. You could also use Facebook and Twitter to find top quality candidates online. Remember to remain professional when using these channels and consider the fact that they will look at your profile when you post a job.

Final Verdict

Many people think that recruiting is difficult, but it isn’t when you take on board all of the tips that we have given you in this article. If you have never used an executive staffing agency before then you might be surprised at how effective this type of service can be. You should also try to use the right social media channels to post you job and improve your current candidate experience. This way, you can find the right candidates and be able to compete with other employers in 2019.

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