Home General Consider These 5 Types of Speakers to Host Your Conference

Consider These 5 Types of Speakers to Host Your Conference

by Olufisayo
Types of Speakers

So you’ve organized a conference. Now you’re on the search for the perfect host, who will not only make sure the event runs smoothly and with the utmost energy, but that will draw in a larger audience and raise ticket sales. Here are five types of speakers you should consider hiring as a host for your conference.

1. Actors

You might be thinking that hiring an actor would only work at film screenings and festivals, but this isn’t the case. Actors have been hired in the past to host business conferences, and even participate in events involving things like climate change activism.

Actors tend to have causes that they align with, and the topics of the films they appear in are occasionally relevant to conference topics. Choosing an actor is a great way to put a recognizable face, and something of a “Brand” on the conference that will both draw in more attendees, and provide them with a memorable experience.

2. Models

Models can be hired for all of the same reasons above. Many also have charitable causes that they have an affinity for and have stretched beyond the confines of modeling work into external activities that may be relevant to a conference. Having said that, models are largely hired to appeal to people visually, so one has to be careful about the context of the conference before hiring them.

It might be great to hire a fitness model for a convention about fitness, but hiring them for a business conference when they know nothing about the company or product is not the greatest idea (unless they have modeled for it in ads and promotional materials).

3. Activists

Conferences pertaining to particular causes will benefit from inviting guests that take part in the activism for said causes. The interesting thing is that a lot of public-facing activists were originally celebrities for other reasons, like those mentioned above. When it comes to hosting, they will be able to provide great insight, ranging from the anecdotal to the statistical, bringing a sense of understanding and forging community with attendees merely by the shared caring for an issue.

4. Scientists and Inventors

You may be scratching your head over the prospect of hiring a scientist to host a conference, even at a conference for scientific research. Don’t forget that there are famous scientists! Some present-day celebrity scientists and inventors include Elon Musk, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, and Michio Kaku.

5. Motivational Speakers

Hiring a motivational speaker to host a conference is an excellent idea, and perhaps even more wise than the above options. Depending on the type of event, of course! Though it is worth noting that no matter the content or context of the event, a motivational speaker can bring a much-needed sense of wisdom and enlightenment.

Guests like william hung can be hired through wonderful websites like specialguestapps.com to host events and bring a self-care flare to what may otherwise be a serious, or even draining array of programming.

Photo by Henri Mathieu-Saint-Laurent from Pexels

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