Home Business Understanding your social media audience for online marketing

Understanding your social media audience for online marketing

by Olufisayo
social media audience for online marketing

You are an entrepreneur and have decided to market your business. Social media is your preferred channel because you know you will reach a larger audience using it. But, as you embark on your marketing campaign you need to understand the platform and the audience you are trying to reach.

Lack of a proper understanding of social media demographics when launching your marketing campaign can result in wasted time, effort and money. You first need to understand the immense potential of social media as a marketing platform. 37% or an approximate 2.8 billion people use social media, and like analog media, segmentation follows the age, gender, income, and device usage criteria.

For a better understanding of the social media audience, we will explore the top 7 social media sites namely Facebook, Youtube, Pinterest, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, and Linkedin.

social media audience for online marketing

  1. Facebook

Facebook has 2 billion active users every month. The age of the users varies with those in the 18-29 age brackets being the most. Interestingly, Facebook has a footprint that extends into ages 65+.

Economically the Facebook users have an income of $30 -$75 per year which does not vary much within the segments.

On average more females (52%) than males (48%) use Facebook. Mobile users are the highest in numbers averaging at 179 million compared to 90 million who use desktop appliances. Whatever marketing campaigns you do should be mobile friendly.

Best for:-

  • General products
  • Campaigns targeted at mobile users.
  1. YouTube

Instagram has 1 billion active users every month. The age of the users varies with those in the 35-44 age bracket being the most. The 65+ seem to shy away from using YouTube because their numbers stand at only 3%.

On average fewer females (45%)than males (55%) use YouTube, this could be because of the DIY’s and product review that are very popular on YouTube.

Desktop and mobile users seem to compete on the same level.

Best for:-

  • Varied products
  • Products that target the middle-aged.
  1. Instagram

Instagram has 800 million active users every month. The age of the users varies with those in the 18-29 age bracket being the most, while a paltry 8% fall in the 65+ age bracket.

Economically, Instagram users have an income of $30 -$75 per year without much disparity within the ranges.

On average more females (58%) than males (42%) use Instagram.

Mobile users are the highest in numbers averaging at 91 million compared to 21 million who use desktop appliances. Access to Instagram is via mobile appliances so all your campaigns must take this into consideration.

Celebrities like Selena Gomez, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Ariana Grande are the most followed accounts. It is easy to get automatic likes by being active on such accounts.

Best for:-

  • Demographics that follow trends especially those liked by influencers.
  • Products targeting females even if endorsed by a male celebrity
  1. Twitter

Twitter has 317 million active users every month.  The highest number of users are in the 18-29 age brackets with 10% in the 65+ age bracket

Economically, Twitter users who earn $75k and above are the highest percentage although there isn’t much disparity in the $30 -$75 per year economic bracket.

On average fewer females (47%) than males (53%) use Twitter.

Desktop users are the highest in numbers averaging at 82 million compared to 31 million who use Mobile appliances.

Celebrities like Katy Perry, Justine Bieber, and Barack Obama are the most followed accounts.

Best for:-

  • People who look for coupons, deals, reviews, ideas
  • Products targeting men.
  • People with higher purchasing power.
  1. Snapchat

Snapchat has 300 million active users every month.  The highest number of users is in the 18-35 age brackets. Younger demographics are also active on Snapchat with 13-17 commanding an impressive 23% usage. Most teens voted Snapchat as their favorite network.

On average more females (70%) than males (30%) use Snapchat.

Snapchat is a mobile-only social media site and 54% of users log in on a daily basis. It averages up to 10 billion video views a day.

Celebrities like Snoop Dog, Kylie Jenner  Jared Leto, and Dj Khaled are the most followed accounts.

Best for:-

  • Demographics that follow trends especially those liked by influencers.
  • Products targeting females even if endorsed by a male celebrity
  • Great site for vloggers
  1. Pinterest

 Pinterest has 200 million active users every month.  There isn’t much disparity in the age of the users in the  18-65+ age bracket.

Economically Pinterest users don’t show much disparity in the $30 -$75 per year economic bracket.

On average more females (60%) than males (40%) use Pinterest.

Mobile users are the highest in numbers averaging at 70 million compared to 27 million who use desktop appliances.

Best for:-

  • Millennials report that they use Pinterest to find what they want to buy, so if your product is for millennials, spending money to boost a product here would work for you.
  • Products targeting women.
  • Products targeting those outside the US, over 50% of new sign-ups are from outside the US.
  1. Linkedin

Linkedin has 106 million active users every month. The highest number of users is in the 18-49+ age brackets with 16% in the 65+ age bracket

Economically, Linkedin users who earn $75k and above are the highest percentage with a noticeable disparity in the $20-$49K bracket who average only 13% of the users.

On average fewer females (46%) than males (54%) use Linkedin.

Desktop users are the highest in numbers averaging at 60 million compared to 20 million who use Mobile appliances.

Business tycoons like Richard Branson, Bill Gates and Arianna Huffington are the most followed accounts.

Best for:-

  • Products targeting fortune 500 CEO’s
  • Older demographics

Final thoughts.

Understanding your audience is important if you want to use social media as your marketing tool. For instance, if you are in the retail sector, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Snapchat may work for you. If in financial services, Linked in and Twitter will be great platforms for you.

All in all, understand your product, understand your audience and let social media help you sell.

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