Home Marketing The Top 5 Ways to Use Linkedin to Promote Your Business

The Top 5 Ways to Use Linkedin to Promote Your Business

by Olufisayo
Ways to Use Linkedin to Promote Your Business

When it comes to promoting your business, you need to make sure that all of your marketing strategies are completely on point. You can have the best brand on the web or in your entire business niche, but that probably will not make a difference if you do not know how to market it towards your potential audience.

Yes, you can create several social media profiles to try and draw in new customers. But the best place you can go to network with like-minded individuals and potential customers is LinkedIn. With over 562 million users already on LinkedIn, you have a great opportunity to promote your business.

Here is exactly how you can do it.

1. Company Profiles

Over 50% of LinkedIn members have reported that they are more likely to buy from companies that they engage with over LinkedIn. That’s why it’s crucial to have a LinkedIn profile for your business. With more than 80% of social leads for B2B being generated on LinkedIn, your business is more likely to get visited by clients who may be a part of your global audience, rather than your local community.

If you create an appropriate business profile, with a great profile image, description and meta description (definitely do not forget about that!) you are ready to start appealing to a larger client base than those you might have previously reached out to before.

You can even use LinkedIn’s matched audience features to retarget your website’s visitors to your LinkedIn ads, your additional accounts or even send them sponsored InMail that can expose them to targeted messages and deals. As your LinkedIn audience will all be professionals in your business, this means that they may be more likely to buy your product.

So, keep in mind that LinkedIn is for targeted marketing and advertising. Whilst you may want to establish a new network of colleagues, don’t forget about the old network who were already visiting your website and social accounts.

2. Targeted Content

It’s one thing to write a large informative blog, full of clickbait titles that recommend the reader to “click here” or that they won’t believe what they read when they get to point 4, but quite another to write up blogs on LinkedIn. Your content can’t just be about anything. Instead, it needs to pass as “actionable content.”

Don’t just stick to the same old written article in your daily posting habits. Instead use all of the different postage options available, including images, videos and, of course, written articles.

You should aim for about 1-3 posts on LinkedIn a day to keep your feed updated with your brand’s daily life, knowledge, and interests. If you do choose to write an article, keep in mind that there are over 100,000 articles published on LinkedIn every week, that means that there are roughly about three million big articles currently on LinkedIn.

In regards to your content, your marketing strategy needs to be similar to how you would normally create actionable and informative content for your blog. The most important part of your article is going to be the introduction.

You will only get the traffic conversions you seek if your content leaves your audience interested in learning more. So, pick your topics wisely and keep them on the edge of their seat with action words. You may even want to use a simple question format to intrigue your audience and then have them answered in the main blog post.

3. LinkedIn Groups

Honestly, one of the worst things that you can do as a business is to go inactive. If you aren’t posting daily, how can you prove to your clients that you are passionate about your area of work? Yes, you can’t always post interesting articles every day.

That’s why you may want to consider joining LinkedIn Groups or, better yet, creating your industry’s own LinkedIn group. Not only can these groups promote your business but they can lead to very interesting discussions with other brands, potentially helping you network with large business figures in the future.

If you want to be seen as a leader in your community, a group is a perfect way to express your voice and opinions. Just remember, don’t use the group as a way to sell products. This can make you look disingenuous to your clients and other industry leaders.

LinkedIn discussions aren’t content to prove that you’re the best in the business. Instead, you’re using them to promote your voice and encourage discussion. If you look like an active member of your community, this will help people understand your brand and learn more about your own experiences.

4. Email Marketing

LinkedIn isn’t just an opportunity to connect with industry professionals online, but it’s an opportunity to introduce clients to other platforms that can keep them updated about your company and your services.

If you manage to connect with someone on LinkedIn, create a “thank you letter” but make sure to add that you can add them to your email marketing list. That means whenever you send a newsletter out or an update, it will reach them.

Make sure to only add them to your list if they agree to the request. You do not want to spam them or go against GDPR. You can also offer to sign up to their email list or read some of their additional content that they want feedback on. This will show them a sign of goodwill and will potentially bring new people into your business’s community.

5. Work your Recommendations

You may see yourself as the main source of knowledge when it comes to your business, but remember that LinkedIn is pretty much one giant playing field for all industries. That means you’re going to see the profiles of your competition as well as to brands that are related to your line of work.

The main thing that you need to remember is that if a brand is related to your business in any way (i.e. your industry or perhaps they are an influencer) then try to connect with them. LinkedIn will do their best to recommend you connections and hashtags that will make your brand stand out. Don’t ignore them. Pick the ones that you believe will be worth connecting with and then initiate a conversation.

Try and add/gain one new recommendation per quarter to remain relevant. You need to know what recommendations other people in your industry are saying. If you try out different recommendations on LinkedIn, you can see what strategies work and what you can discard.

You can also ask different contacts for their opinions on your business and use them as recommendations on your profiles. That way, new clients may see your business and use your reputation as a means to trust you and your opinions.

Are you ready to get “LinkedIn” to your new marketing strategy?

If you are a new business looking for a way to get some attention or shares, LinkedIn is a great place to start. It is full of like-minded individuals that are looking to improve themselves and their businesses.

Don’t shy away from the opportunity of marketing on this platform. If you do, you may miss out on meeting likeminded individuals and ultimately sharing your business with the world.

Good luck!

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