Home General What are Backlinks? And How to Build Them in 2021

What are Backlinks? And How to Build Them in 2021

by Olufisayo
What are Backlinks

Do you run an e-commerce website? Or perhaps, you’re running an online magazine intending to command a global audience? Either way, your website requires a solid SEO strategy to boost your content’s visibility and lend authority.

In today’s digital landscape, Google’s algorithms and bots are powered with highly sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) based solutions. It has enhanced Google’s ability to detect quality engagement and authority building measures. Abusing SEO strategies or spamming your content with long-tail keywords will no longer work.

If you want to build a strong SEO strategy, you must pay close attention to backlinks. They play an instrumental role in making a website competitive and building authority. They serve the purpose of redirecting users from one website to another.

For instance, if your website is backlinked by a credible website, it will help you gain credibility and new viewers. Google will quickly catch up on this activity and consider your website a valuable resource worthy of citing. Backlink endorses quality, authority, and credibility, and it proves instrumental in boosting search engine rankings.

This article will walk you through some strategies for effective backlinking in 2021.

Here, take a look:

Landing Link Roundups

Landing link roundups is one of the most lucrative strategies to build authority for your website, and it’s relatively simple. Link roundups are summaries released on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. In these summaries, famous bloggers and marketers present curated lists of their favorite content and topic ideas within a given industry.

It would help if you started by identifying link roundups that are most relevant to your industry sector and niche. Once you’ve identified the perfect link round, you need to approach the person running the roundup. You can collaborate with the content creator to get a backlink for your website with an appealing script that offers value.

Be sure to check backlinks regularly to measure the success of your strategy. Pulling insights is one of the utmost significance so you can examine the ROIs and newly-acquired viewers.

Dead Link Building

Dead or broken link building is an appealing strategy amongst modern-day marketers. This white-hat tactic is highly scalable, and it builds links by identifying broken links. Marketers work to recreate the dead or broken content and aid websites in repairing their broken links with improved links.

To get started, you need to install a free Google Chrome extension called Find My Links. This extension will help you find broken links on any page or website. Once you’ve installed it, you can go to any website where you’d like to see your link. You can use any search engine for this purpose, but Google is the way to go!

Open up a few pages on your chosen website and run the Check My Links extension to identify broken links. When you find broken links, you can approach the website owner about these dead links and offer your content. Your content would serve as a replacement for the broken link, and you can contact the owner via email.

It is ideal for curating a personalized email and pitching your SEO tools and content as a credible replacement.

High-Quality Links from Podcasts

Podcasts are an increasingly popular trend and an excellent trick to boost user engagement for longer durations. What’s more, podcasts are a high-quality outlet to build backlinks. You can work on this strategy by rounding podcast collaborations with various marketers and podcast shows.

Make a list of the most popular and credible podcast shows relevant to your niche and industry. Send out highly personalized emails carrying your information and the content you can offer the show. The more podcasts you appear on, the more backlinks you can create.

Podcasts are a highly immersive content strategy to create a plethora of high-quality links. More importantly, podcasts aid in boosting website traffic and engagement considerably.

Collaborate with Journalists & Bloggers

Modern-day marketers and website owners are increasingly collaborating with reporters, bloggers, and journalists. In exchange for credible sources and information, bloggers and journalists can help you build links and enjoy press mentions. However, this strategy requires you to identify credible bloggers who command a flourishing audience from your target market and industry niche.

You can use HARO, a free service like a dating website for PR and promotion. It allows journalists and reports to connect with people who seek press mentions and quality links. With HARO, you can land quality links at some of the most distinguished and popular news websites. However, it’s not an easy way to land backlinks as it requires a lot of work.

You will have to signup for a source account and interact with reporters and journalists until you find your collaboration. It is essential to prioritize high-quality websites that command authority and esteem in the digital arena.

Resource Pages & University Websites

All website owners aim to generate backlinks from a website that commands respect and authority. The more credible and authoritative a website, the higher the quality of a backlink. This simple equation compels marketers and website owners to put in the work required to acquire links from resource pages.

University resource pages and .edu websites are known for their credibility and quality content. But, how can you gain a backlink from a university website? It’s not simple, but it is certainly doable if you’re willing to conduct research and be persuasive.

First, you must research university resource pages that are most relevant to your niche and content. You can also approach your university as institutions aid their students and faculty by linking content. For instance, if you run a health and wellness website, you need to identify the most relevant resource pages.

You can make use of Google search to identify these pages and examine their content. You can then email the individual running that resource page and pitch your content with a personalized email. Even if you manage to land one link at a .edu website, it will prove more powerful than a dozen backlinks.


The strategies mentioned above will help you explore new avenues to generate competitive backlinks in 2021. Keep in mind that this is an endeavor that requires commitment, dedication, and research. There is no shortcut to acquiring quality backlinks, and you must explore insights to make well-informed decisions.

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