Home Business Sign Language and Sales: What You Say and How You Display It Could Make or Break Your Sales Conversion

Sign Language and Sales: What You Say and How You Display It Could Make or Break Your Sales Conversion

by Olufisayo
Sign Language and Sales

Signs play a critical part in driving the sales conversion rates and other customer engagement efforts in business. Statistics show that 70 percent of sales in retail are due to advertising traffic from signage.

A more indicative factor from the same statics shows that 75 percent of customers talk up a business to other people based off of the signage. With these kinds of results, it is incumbent upon you to know not just what to say but how to say it as well to boost your sales. Some key ideas include:

Sign Language and Sales

Make Your Sign Attention Grabbing

In the cutthroat world of business, it is not enough for you to have a sign to generate sales for your business. How you pass your message across to any potential buyers is just as critical as what you say to get them to make purchases. You need to use signs and messaging that is well designed to catch the customer’s attention from the start if you want to boost sales.

Human beings are more partial to images than texts. We remember pictures or images we saw well than words we read. Use captivating imaging designed to convey your messaging to potential customers at a glance. The visual aid should be easy to remember for top-of-mind effectiveness. It should be easy to understand at first glance otherwise those passing by will not give it the time of day in trying to figure it out.

Color is also another component of signage that significantly contributes to sales conversions. As a key rule always go for vibrant colors that jump out at those who come across the sign. You want a sign that will grab a passer-by’s attention from across the street due to its color scheme.

Deploy In-Store Signs

Good signage isn’t only critical on the outside but also on the inside. A strategically placed sign near the point of sale (POS) terminal has the potential to compel a shopper to make an impulse purchase. Well-designed POS signs utilizing display hooks for retail suggest product purchases thereby prodding them into buying that which they would probably not have made.

Directional signage inside the store that leads targeted customers to related products also boosts your sales. For example, if you hang an attractive sign in the milk section that points to current deals on cakes, bread, and other pastry products you will draw some milk buyers on the cross-sell. A sign promoting a shoe sale in the dress section will trigger several impulse purchases and increase your conversion rate.

Position Your Signs Correctly

A well-designed sign can still be ineffective if it is the wrong size or is in a poor location/position. Ensure that your signs are just the right size for people to see depending on what role you need them to play in sales. A billboard can’t use the same font or image size as a POS one for example.

Have your signs at eye-level so that your customers don’t struggle to read them. Don’t make nearby signs too big that they can hardly be understood in their totality at a glance. Conversely, do not make signs that are meant to be at a distance too small as they become barely legible to customers.

Place any POS signs next to the products they are leading the customer to, to avoid any confusion. If a shopper is struggling to understand what sign deals with what product, they will abandon the purchase. Your signs are meant to reduce as much friction as possible for the customer and not increase it.


Businesses can influence their sales conversion rates by communicating to their customers. Compelling messaging coupled with strategic, well-designed signage will be a potent mix in generating more sales.

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