Home General When Are We As Couples Supposed To See a Relationship Therapist, and Why?

When Are We As Couples Supposed To See a Relationship Therapist, and Why?

by Olufisayo
Relationship Therapist

Dating partners and married couples don’t easily believe they need help to make their relationships stronger. They erroneously think, “we met on our own before starting this relationship, and don’t require anyone’s help to make it work.” But nothing could be further from the truth. If that mindset were true, there wouldn’t be divorce and domestic violence and other relationship problems that confront lovers.

It is human nature to disagree, but disagreements could degenerate to worse situations that cost life and happiness if not well resolved. Many times, romantic partners are too deep in love to admit parts of the relationship problems originated with them. Sometimes they are too blind to their own faults to agree they compounded or escalated the issues bedevilling their situations. But consultations with a trained relationship therapists or licensed marriage counselors would make these obvious without aggravating things.

Relationship Therapist

When Is The Right Time For Us To See A Relationship Expert?

It is expedient you consider consulting a family therapist and relationship expert if you observe or experience any of the following situations –

  • When you no longer understand your partner

When you no longer understand what your romantic partner does or why they do certain things, then that is the red flag you’ve been waiting for. You must immediately consult professional marriage counselors if your partner suddenly changes and no longer offers explanations for what they do.

  • When your partner no longer cares about how you feel

Your partner used to be so caring during the courtship period, but doesn’t care anymore how things sit with you. That is a visible signboard that your relationship needs immediate help. It is a dangerous thing if your partner no longer cares for what you think and feel and how things affect you in any personal manner.

  • When your partner snaps at you and flares up in temper

If you have begun to fear speaking to your partner because you fear they will snap at you or flare up reactively, then you sure need quick help. If you can’t raise any decent talk without emotions rising and argument resulting, then you must see a therapist quick for immediate intervention.

  • If your partner no longer share or give you things

Your partner used to ask if you needed anything. They used to buy things on their way back from work. They used to fund your account in case you needed anything. They used to take you out shopping and to fast food joints. But all that has become history. They no longer buy things or give you money or any other gifts. Then there you have a problem for the expert family therapist.

  • Your partner complains about you every time

This point is very important because it is a reverse situation. You are the one that usually see faults in your partner and so blame them for problems in the relationship. But you may actually be the problem if they complain everytime about you. So if your lover or spouse always sees a problem with you – then it is high time you began listening, or take a step to see a relationship expert fast.

Why Must We See A Marriage Therapist To Heal Our Relationship?

If you are hurting from a romantic relationship, you need to be healed; and so is your relationship. Why you must see professional marriage counselors for help? Here are some of the reasons –

  • They are trained, licensed, experienced and accredited psychologists, therapists and counselors
  • You do not have to meet them in person; they provide online counseling therapy that is discreet, confidential and secret to protect your privacy
  • You can consult with trained therapists anonymously via your text, chats, calls and videos from your smartphone without leaving the comfort of your home
  • It is cheap and affordable to get help from marriage counselors than to pay lawyers for divorce proceedings
  • Your online counselors are emphatic, understanding and willing to restore the joys and romance in your relationship
  • You can see a relationship specialist individually or with your partner at any time for as many times as you like until your relationship is healed and restored.

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