Home General Why Just Stopping Malware Is Not Enough for Complete Network Security

Why Just Stopping Malware Is Not Enough for Complete Network Security

by Olufisayo
Network Security

While fending off malware is one way of protecting your company, it simply isn’t enough to defeat today’s modern hackers. What, then, should every business know in order to keep these attackers at bay?

In cases like these, a robust network security platform may be your best line of defense. In this article, we’ll share a few other areas that may be leaving your company vulnerable and how this type of software can stop them.

Network Security

Your Staff’s Behavior is Your Weakest Link

While you may be confident that you’ve hired the best people for the job, they may not be savvy when it comes to cyber security. Though you could hire a security analyst to keep an eye on everything, it may not be the most efficient course of action. This is made even more difficult with the fact that many companies still rely on outdated software. These old editions of essential programs are often more prone to hacking due to lacking crucial security updates for modern threats. Investing in network security solutions, however, can help you keep track of your employees’ every move. It can then identify whether or not certain unusual actions are putting you at risk or not. It can also alert you in case if you’re under attack at any given moment.

You May Be Attacked from the Inside

No matter how much you trust the people who work for you, it’s still best to put security precautions in place. Otherwise, there will be nothing that can stop them from running off with your confidential data. Since they most likely have authorized access to all of your important documents, they can steal as much information as they want. The worst part is that they can do all this without relying on malicious software, meaning your anti-malware software will be unable to detect the attack. However, a powerful network security can identify whether any insider is acting unusually, so that you can immediately be alerted of a potential rogue attack.

You May Not Be Able to Stop a Targeted Attack

It’s one thing to deal with random vandals who are just trying to be a nuisance. It’s another matter all together to deal with a targeted attack, as these are carried out by the most persistent kinds of hackers. What’s most frightening about these types of breaches is that most companies don’t detect them until years after the initial attack. This means that you could have had confidential information stolen from under your nose all this time without realizing it. With a network security solution in place, though, you’ll be able to immediately detect any anomalies in your network. That way, you can shut out those unauthorized individuals before they even realize what’s going on.

Though these security applications may seem incredibly costly at first glance, they are nothing compared to the massive damages that your business can suffer. A single breach could cost your business millions in terms of damages, so a secure network is vital to your company’s survival. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Invest in these solutions now to prevent your company from becoming another statistic in cyber crime news reports.

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1 comment

Mukesh March 14, 2017 - 2:54 PM

I personally like the robust network security platform. But did not wel work out for me that much. May be i was not a pro in it.

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