Home Business Why Relationship Building with Your Employees Is Vital

Why Relationship Building with Your Employees Is Vital

by Olufisayo
Relationship Building

Your employees are your most precious asset. They can make or break your business depending on how you treat them. Namely, your employees are the ones who relate with clients, and you can’t expect them to make customers feel contented and engaged if they are not contented and engaged themselves.

According to J.E. Cornett, employees are just like plants – give them some sunshine, sufficient attention, and enough room to grow, and they will thrive. Deprive them of sunlight, disturb them, or neglect them, and they won’t produce.

Therefore, you need to make your employees feel valued. The best way to do these is to build strong relationships with your employees. One way is to reward them with several card options as an added bonus every month, but there are several other ideas you can use as well. Today, the purpose is to outline key reasons why relationship building with your employees is vital.

Relationship Building

Four Key Reasons for Relationships with Employees

Increased Productivity

Having a strong relationship with your employees creates a conducive atmosphere within the work environment. This not only increases the employee motivation but also boosts their morale, leading to increased productivity.

In fact, stronger employer-employee relationships are beneficial to not only individual employee productivity, but that of the entire company. Businesses that have put energy and resources into building strong employee relationships have experienced a significant increase in productivity, which translates to growth in profits.

Improved Employee Loyalty

When the culture and environment your employees are working in a stable, they feel happy and more comfortable in their respective positions. This has a significant positive impact upon the employee’s loyalty to your business. A strong employer-employee relationship is a foundation for creating an enjoyable work environment that keeps employees contented and hence loyal to the company.

With a loyal workforce, employee retention is also improved; consequently, the cost of recruitment and training is significantly reduced. For many businesses, the high cost of employee turnover overshadows the cost of employee relations program that they’ve invested in. One more advantage is that when the employee turnover drops, it ensures that you have a trained and experienced set of employees.

Reduced Conflict

Conflict is always expected when people are working closely together.  However, when you put your energy into developing strong relationships between managers and employees, the various levels of your company will be on the same page.

As such, it will be easier to resolve conflicts as they occur. Namely, when a work environment is pleasant and efficient, the extent of conflicts within the organization is drastically reduced.

With reduced conflicts, which can be resolved more easily, your employees will be able to concentrate on their respective duties, resulting in increased overall productivity.

Healthy Work-life Balance

You have other important things outside of work to take care of and so do your employees. Therefore, by being too demanding of their time, you are actually depriving them of the time to attend to their children, sick days, family vacations, etc.

Therefore, developing strong employer-employee relationships allows you to be fair to your employees when it comes to upholding a healthy work-life balance. Being generous to your employees during challenging times has a significant impact on the success of your business.

Final Thoughts

Developing a pleasant and efficient work environment with proper management and strong employee-employer relationships is a key pillar in the success of any business.

Therefore, if you want to realize your business goals, you should not be just managing your employees; you should strive to cultivate life-long, productive and positive relationships with them.

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