Home Business Why Wordpress Is the Best CMS for Your Startup Company

Why Wordpress Is the Best CMS for Your Startup Company

by Olufisayo
Why Wordpress Is the Best CMS for Your Startup Company

All types of businesses can benefit from going online. The internet is changing the way people do business; with trends suggesting that it could become the primary avenue for different aspects. Research into these trends suggests that up to 3.3 billion of the 4 billion active users keep up with a brand on at least one social media platform. The high level of interest is not the only reason why you should consider going online to boost your brand presence.

More people are buying retail online, with a continuous surge in the amount of online sales every year since 2012. There has also been an increase in the use of the internet, and particularly social media, to carry out research into brand and product quality. This means that more people are looking through the internet to help them make their purchasing decisions.

There has also been an increase in the number of people who seek customer service through the internet, as opposed to traditional customer service avenues such as telephone calls and mail delivery. The efficiency and quick response, as well as the vast amount of information on the internet makes it more convenient and better for use. By failing to set up a brand website, you could lose out on the potentially positive effects for your brand.

Why Wordpress Is the Best CMS for Your Startup Company

Is Wordpress popular with brands?

Wordpress is the biggest website building platform on the internet in terms of pages hosted. Up to a third of all pages online are built on the Wordpress code, with a recent spike in the number of businesses looking to set up their site on the platform. It is an open source project, which means users are free to customize their web pages to their interests. It also features a large number of Wordpress development companies and individuals, who offer great products and services. You can hire Wordpress developer to help you design and set up your website, remove malware or simply monitor its operations and optimize it for speed.

Why should you set up a website for your start up?

The large shift towards an online avenue for businesses necessitates that brands must consider going online to reach more clients, as well as compete with other brands within their industry. Research suggests that brands which are active online are more likely to interest from clients, which could mean better business performance.

As a startup company, you will probably have limited marketing resources. Going online could help reduce the expense but still provide great exposure. It is very easy to market your brand on the internet, and keep an eye on the returns on investment. Both of these are difficult for small enterprises through offline avenues.

Going online will help attract local users to your brand. You will be more likely to attract local clients if you have some online presence. Even when faced with a local choice, many users will still look on the internet for the better value. Being active and attractive on the internet will help win over local interest through a knock on effect. in order to maximize this, you should consider adding a location marker and contact information to help maximize on this.

Why is Wordpress the best CMS for your start up business?

Wordpress is the most popular website builder for a number of reasons. These are a few reasons why it can be ideal for your start up company’s business website.

It is simple

You do not need an advanced level of coding to get your website up and running. The installation and configuration processes will be done in a matter of minutes, and will only require a few clicks. The platform also has a one-click policy for uploads, which means that you can set up your website and post content without any hassle. You could start attracting users to your online profile immediately!

It offers variety

Wordpress allows users to customize their own website as they see fit. there are many plugins and tools which will help you customize your website to your design. Your site will also have a number of features, which will make it more appealing to certain audiences. The variety in customization helps brands remains unique, which could provide a competitive edge that is almost impossible to replicate offline without any investment.

It is secure

Your security online should be a matter of great concern. Any vulnerability could affect both your brand and visitors. Hackers could gain access to your website and shut down its operations or redirect traffic to malicious websites. They could also steal sensitive user information which could cost your clients their finances or reputation. Wordpress is open source, which means it allows external developers to create tools and themes to help website owners improve different aspects of their site. Security plugins are regularly released, which will help you monitor your website and secure it against possible malicious attacks. These tools are available for free, which makes securing your website easy.

It is scalable

You can create your website to your exact specification through the plugins and themes available. Wordpress also allows users to tweak the code, which can be useful in developing different types of websites. Whether you are looking to create a social forum, an interactive blog, a live counter or a specialized brand page, Wordpress will be compatible with your desired website. This allows users to make the best website for their needs.

It improves customer interaction

Wordpress includes automatic social media integration, which allows users to comment on your website through their social pages as well as share content that is of interest to them. The platform also includes features such as a comment box, which enables users to communicate with your business. Better customer interaction will help you improve your products and services to meet the needs of your clients, which could boost growth. Wordpress also features analytic tracking, which provides brands the ability to monitor visitor interactions and engagement, as well as reaction to different products, services or brand values. You will be better able to reach your target audience by understanding their preferences, as well as maximize your online activity to help you reach your goals.

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