Home Business Why You Need to Give E-commerce a Chance

Why You Need to Give E-commerce a Chance

by Olufisayo
Why You Need to Give E-commerce a Chance

You have probably looked around and noticed that the physical stores are gradually getting outdated. Well, they are still there, but people could still do without them. E-commerce has changed the game. It has removed entry barriers to various industries and further heightening competition. If you have interacted with an e-commerce platform like Slice, then you can attest to how the whole idea brings convenience. For instance, if you have a bucket full of work to do at the office, you do not have to stay hungry or spend more time queuing for a box of pizza. With an app like Slice, you can order it from where you are and in no time have the delivery made.

E-commerce is growing and will continue growing exponentially due to the following reasons.

Why You Need to Give E-commerce a Chance

  1. The world is going mobile

Reports show that 60 percent of the search queries in search engines like Google come from mobile devices. What does that tell you? There is big mobile traffic that you could harness as an e-commerce business. Businesses are creating mobile responsive websites and providing users with a great shopping experience further attracting more sales. Customers are also increasingly preferring the idea of shopping at the comfort of their homes.

  1. Demand for delivery of products and services

Today, customers want to buy groceries for dinner and have them delivered to their homes in less than an hour. What that tells you is that there is a growth in the on-demand society. This has brought new opportunities for ecommerce businesses. The beauty of it is that most of the companies have been forced to be partial e-commerce if not all the way. The demand for convenience in accessing products and services has seen the growth of e-commerce businesses.

  1. Data analytics

Companies have discovered that it is important to understand consumer behavior if they are to boost their sales. Digital technology has made this possible. This has seen businesses having a presence on different social media platforms and even having websites so that they can get data on customers as they interact with the customers.

This has driven the growth of e-commerce as more businesses go online looking to boost their sales by using the information they get from the platforms.

  1. Comparison shopping

Do you know what else is compelling the customers to prefer online shopping? Comparison shopping. As people purchase products, they want to get the best deals in the offering. Research shows that people will visit at least three websites before they settle for your product.

Comparison shopping has therefore accelerated the growth of e-commerce as the different retailers get equal shots in making sales. You would not be wrong if you said the growth could be attributed to the fair competition.

Online shopping has led to customer satisfaction as they are now able to get what they want as opposed to what is available. E-commerce has allowed customers access to specialized products and services leading to more people opting for this electronic kind of trade.

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