Home General Wordpress Code Tricks That Don’t Require Plugins

Wordpress Code Tricks That Don’t Require Plugins

by Olufisayo
Wordpress Code Tricks That Don’t Require Plugins

One of the beautiful things about choosing Wordpress web hosting is that its customization capabilities ensures every user is accounted for. Within the Wordpress platform, there are thousands of options that cater exclusively to user needs. With over 30,000 plugins available for download, base Wordpress functionality can be extended to create an even more customized experience.

However, there are some users who would rather do the work using the power of Wordpress than add another plugin to the list. Fortunately, there are quite a few Wordpress tricks and tips that don’t require a plugin installation. Here, we’ve rounded up a few. And while these tricks do require a little code-hacking, what’s most important is that any user with a basic understanding of how Wordpress works can successfully maneuver these plugin-less tricks.

Wordpress Code Tricks That Don’t Require Plugins

Add Dummy Text

When you’re designing a new website, you likely want to see what your theme looks like filled out. This is where dummy text comes in. Many paid themes offer dummy text with the theme, or have a separate folder for dummy text uploads. However, if you need dummy text, it’s simple to add it without a plugin. Not only does this allow you to see what your website would look like once it’s fleshed out, but it can be great for testing purposes and generating authentic-looking mockups.

One way to achieve this is by using a dummy text generator like this Lipsum Generator. Using this tool, you’re able to generate as much dummy text as you’d like within seconds. Choose by word count or set the generator to spit out a specific number of paragraphs. However, depending on the breadth of text you need, this method can be labor intensive.

To combat that, Wordpress also offers a Theme Unit Test, which is a .xml file that ensures you have everything you need to run your chosen theme perfectly. This includes not only text, but full pages, comments, menus, posts, attachments, and everything else you would need to make a site fully functioning. Simply download the test file and import it using the Tools > Import tab within Wordpress. Under the “Wordpress” category in the import section, you’ll see “Run Importer” (or “Install Now” if that function isn’t available). From there, the rest of the process is highly intuitive and following the corresponding instructions in the Wordpress dashboard is a synch.

Adjust Dashboard To Fit Client Needs

If you’re a website designer, content marketer, or offer any client-based service, you might be the one in charging of putting together a Wordpress site. Customization goes a long way when you’re working with clients, and gives you the upper hand in terms of professionalism and organization. Little details that can be made sans-plugins help you achieve this.

For example, perhaps you want the client logo to appear in the Wordpress dashboard instead of the Wordpress logo. In your image folder, add your logo image with the title “admin_logo.png”. Then copy the snippet of code provided by Wordpress into your functions.php file. You can also replace the Wordpress login logo using this code.

Lastly, you’ll notice that Wordpress greets logged in users with a “Howdy!” If this feels too informal for you and/or your clients, changing this is a synch. Again, copy and pasting a few lines of code into your functions.php folder takes care of this.

Use Any Downloaded Font In Wordpress

While there are plenty of plugins that allow you to use any downloaded font easily, some users prefer to not have to manage another plugin, which has its own updates, rules, and can impact the site if it runs out of date or is broken. No fear; any font you download from sites like DaFont can be built into your Wordpress editor with a few lines of code.

Begin by downloading the Webfont Generator from FontSquirrel, which allows your font to be available in many different formats, rather than just the format provided by the font creator. Upload your font and use the “Expert” dropdown to choose all available formats for your font. From there, it will provide you with the CSS you’ll need to import it into Wordpress. Then, head over to your hosting provider and open up your FTP account. Reach out to customer service if you’re unclear about how to locate this file.

Click “Configure FTP Client” for the appropriate site, then choose your server information method (for example, FileZilla for Windows, or Cyber Duck for Mac). Click your /wp-content folder, and using the FTP client, upload the desired font folders you generated through Font Squirrel.

Lastly, locate your child theme directory and copy and paste the CSS in the style.css file. At the beginning of your pasted script, type @font-face, which tells the style sheet that you’re adding a font. For more detailed instructions, check out this lengthy font upload guide.

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