Home Business You Need a Bold Sales Lead Plan to Win New Customers

You Need a Bold Sales Lead Plan to Win New Customers

by Olufisayo
Sales Lead Plan to Win New Customers

In B2B marketing, a good campaign starts with a clear message: Why does your solution benefit your target’s business? But how do you get your message delivered to key decision makers when they’re surrounded by gatekeepers and constantly bombarded with marketing?

With the rise of digital marketing, there are more channels than ever to reach potential targets. But digital marketing also has one of the lowest response rates of any channel. With so much online content, it’s easy to get lost.

Sales Lead Plan to Win New Customers

That’s why some lead generation companies aren’t quite through with traditional channels like telemarketing and direct mail. When you target leads across platforms, you increase your chances of a response. When you coordinate multiple channels for a single lead, you start seeing results.

Take an example involving direct mail. Toshiba Canada recently targeted IT professionals as a prime market for its notebook computers. They hired lead generation company 360 Leads to conduct an integrated campaign that used multi-channel digital marketing, telemarketing, direct mail, and personal visits to IT buyers across the country. They targeted a wide range of verticals with the aim of booking qualified sales meetings.

The digital side of the campaign focused on click-through rates on LinkedIn and industry websites, while a simple but effective direct mail campaign generated a 74% recall rate. For Toshiba Canada, 360 Leads ran a bulky mail campaign. What can you send that IT professionals will actually want and get them to look at your brand? The campaign sent key decision makers coffee mugs – simple, but so effective, the lead generation company landed Toshiba Canada over 1000 qualified sales meetings and over 20% vertical penetration in some areas. Part of what worked wasn’t just mailing coffee mugs to IT professionals, it was about coordinating follow up and keeping high-quality data. If you want to improve the response rate of direct mail, follow it up with a phone call. Direct mail is your foot in the door to that phone conversation.

Direct mail is considered somewhat to very effective by 79% of B2B companies. Among them, 22% believe that direct mail is very effective. In an age when social media marketing gets all the attention, lead generation companies continue to use direct mail because it gets results. You don’t need to reinvent marketing to run a successful lead campaign. Integrated, multi-channel lead generation that gets your message across will increase your sales.

Toshiba Canada’s campaign is a great example of how simple a successful campaign is in the hands of a lead generation company. Leaving your lead generating efforts in-house can cause a lot of disagreements, especially between marketing and sales. Companies face problems including poor marketing channel selection, budget constraints, and internal company issues that impact performance. If you’re looking for help to grow your business, give your sales department the support it needs with a lead generation company. A data-driven, integrated campaign that uses multiple channels generates more leads.

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