Home Business 15 Small Business Ideas You Can Start on Your Own

15 Small Business Ideas You Can Start on Your Own

by Olufisayo
15 Small Business Ideas You Can Start on Your Own

If you ever found yourself in a spot of needing some extra money, there are two main ways how to solve it. The first one is to reduce your spending and save up some money upfront in case when needed.

The second option is to find or create yourself an additional money income. The first idea will allow you to have some extra money, but it won’t be much, because who likes saving up money these days?

The second option will guarantee you’ll have extra money at all times, of course, as long as you’ll be working enough to make enough. Luckily, we live in times of vast possibilities. Having a computer and the internet is all it’s needed to find a second job or make a small business, physically or digitally. Here are 15 ideas to get you started.


If you ever thought about sharing your ideas or stories with others, you could start a blog. There are many ways to monetize your blogs like ads, affiliate links, or sponsor posts. The downside is that the market for blogging is rather competitive, that’s why it will take you a few months or a year to finally be able to make money.

Freelance Writing

Freelance writing is another option for people who can write. While starting a successful blog would take some time, writing for others will get you money immediately. Moreover, if you have expertise and knowledge in a specific area, i.e. cryptocurrency, you’ll be able to get more money per article.

Online Store

Creating an online store these days is very easy and you don’t even need programming knowledge to do it. You can do it for free using WordPress. All you need is to have some nice themes to make your store look more appealing, have a WordPress order form like captainform, install some plugins, create your marketing plan and buy a server where your store will be hosted.

On the other hand, there are many online stores already, that’s why you’ll need something unique to sell. One way to do it is to sell unique t-shirt designs created by you or someone else.

When you have your preferable design, all you need is to use a t-shirt mockups to generate a visual of your product for your store and use print on demand service like Printify as a supplier who will print and ship products to your customer for you.

Virtual Assistant

If making an online store yourself seems like too much work, you can look for people who are looking for virtual assistants for their stores. You’d be responsible for writing emails, updating the store, fulfilling orders, etc. Not only you’ll be able to learn how to properly manage an online store, but you’ll also be getting paid for doing it.


Freelancing, in general, is working remotely from home. There are many different jobs for freelancers and you don’t necessarily need to be a programmer to become a successful freelancer. You can browse different freelancing platforms and choose from jobs or tasks you can fulfill.


If you understand math, history, chemistry, physics, biology, or any other subject that is being taught in school or university, you can start tutoring. Depending on your knowledge, you could become a tutor for scholars or even students.

Reselling Stuff on eBay

For this business idea, you simply buy your local products at discounts to later resell them on eBay for profit. Moreover, you can even buy used products from people and do the same, but you should always check the price you could sell the product for before buying it.

Rent Out a Room in Your Home

If you have a free room at your home, you can rent it and get some extra money each month. This is common sense for students, but usually gets forgotten later on. While not everyone would like to have a roommate, it’s still a good way to make some extra money.


If having a roommate is not an option for you, try using Airbnb to rent a room only for a few days. This not only will allow you to make extra money, but you’ll surely make some new friends as well.


If you have a car and know your local streets well, try working as an Uber/Taxify driver. Most importantly, you can work only on the weekends, when there are more people who need a ride.

Giving Music Lessons

If you know how to play the guitar, violin, piano, or another instrument, you can become a personal teacher. Moreover, if you’ll have many students, in time you could start a small band, make a concert or even start a YouTube channel.


If you can take beautiful photos and have a camera, you can start your photography career. Moreover, having a drone and being good with it, will make you be in demand for events and other occasions. Lastly, you could upload photos to Instagram and start getting money from sponsored posts when you’ll have many followers.


If filming, not photography is your passion then a filming career could get you even further. Moreover, in the end, you could even start a YouTube channel and create sketches. This will require you to have knowledge of different editing programs and many filming tools.

Social Media Agency

If you know how Facebook and Google ads work, how to manage Facebook page/group and Instagram you can start your social media agency. There are many people who are willing to pay you some money each month, to engage with their audiences, create new posts, or even ads.

Event Coordinator

If you have hundreds of ideas for a birthday party, weddings, a small concert, or a community event, you could become an event coordinator. Moreover, you could even create traveling events, where you buy everything for the best deals, charge your customers more to make a profit, and in the end write stories about your travels on your blog.

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1 comment

The Ultimate Business Startup Checklist March 3, 2019 - 9:17 AM

[…] great business idea needs an equally awesome business name. That means keeping it as simple as possible and making […]

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