Home Marketing 5 Marketing Tips for Small Business Owners

5 Marketing Tips for Small Business Owners

by Olufisayo
Marketing Tips for Small Business Owners

Marketing is the presentation of business actions that direct the flow of products and services to the consumer. Marketing should begin right before the goods and services for the business are created.

Owning a business is not an easy task especially when you want to maintain a steady flow of revenue. There are many ways by which you can have your business marketed, but here, we have made a list of 5 special and most efficient tips just for you.

Use Social Media

Social media marketing is one of the lucrative but yet overlooked aspects of marketing. Marketing your goods or services on social media is very easy; you can focus on one or two social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and develop a solid strategy for them.

Before you go into social media marketing ensure you already have your business plan and goals; that is, what you intend to achieve with this kind of marketing. The use of social media as a tool for marketing your business will help in creating awareness for your brand, enhancing a good flow of communication, and attract more customers.

Social media marketing comes with absolutely low or no cost at all and at the same time you will be reaching out to millions of people around the globe, information will be widely and quickly distributed.

Another thing about social media marketing is that you have to follow a variety of people if you are using Instagram for example, following people randomly will make most of them follow you in return and enable them to see your posts. That leads to the reason why you have to post content relevant to your business. It is advisable you open separate accounts not involving personal purposes for your business.


Having a form of giveaway technique is another way of attracting new customers and at the same time retaining the old ones. If you are giving away, it means you are handing out your products or engaging in some services without money to existing or new potential customers.

Giveaways create awareness for your products and services, everyone likes products they are actually not paying for. Your giveaway technique can be in form of buy one and get another one or a complement product for free.

If your products are for adolescents, you can head off to a college and hand out your products, by the way not just handing out the products but also letting people know how exceptional it is which is a way of distinguishing your products and services from competitors.

Pay attention to quality which means you should not use products of low quality as giveaways because it might damage the value of your brand.

A lot of studies have deduced that calendars and notepads are effective kinds of giveaways because they are seen and made use of every time which makes people constantly reminded of your products and services.

Use Sales Personnel

Personal selling is the face to face contact that a seller makes with a potential customer for the aim of making sales. This involves the use of sales personnel who are more mobile and frequent with customers and members of the public.

For that reason, they are in a better position to explain the nature of the products and services to target customers. Sales personnel carry out these underlying functions:

  • Searching for new customers
  • Advertising the products
  • Taking orders
  • Providing after-sales services
  • Providing solutions to customers’ problems
  • Delivery of products to clients
  • Providing information for the marketing department

The feedback derived from customers via the sales personnel will help in enhancing the development of new products and make some alterations in the existing marketing strategies.

Sales promotion

The use of sales promotion for a business tends to enhance purchases, attract customers, introduce new products, and increase the sales of weak products in the product line. Sales promotions can be in form of:

  • Trade fairs or exhibitions: the exhibitions can either be in a store or permanent exhibition ground.
  • Sponsorship: this is the provision of financial or material support to entities in order to create awareness such as sponsoring a well-known television program that has large views.
  • Advertising: this can be done through television, radio, newspapers, billboards, and magazines.
  • Price offs or price discounts: this is making special reductions in prices of products and services. These reductions in prices are advertised immensely to attract people.
  • Sales promotion helps in stimulating the demand for a product, they push existing customers to make more purchases and encourage intermediaries to stock more of the products. It also helps in improving the overall image of the business.

Penetrate Your Market

This involves setting low prices for products and services with the aim of building customer demand. By setting an attractive price, the demand for products and services will rise up thereby increasing the overall income of the business.

This technique is very useful in the primary stage of a business in order to understand the number of competitors and how it can make its products and services more eye-catching to consumers. It comes with different strategies such as:

More distribution channels: this is the link between a business and its intermediaries. It involves the movement of goods from the producer to the consumer at the right time and place.

Improved products: improving the quality of products will bring about a high market penetration because the competitor’s products will be outwitted.

There you have, 5 Marketing tips for small Business Owners, if you have any other tip that you should make our list, don’t hesitate to tell us via the comment box below

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krishnaveni Garlapati July 7, 2017 - 10:00 AM

thanks for the tips

Akinyemi Mujeeb July 28, 2017 - 11:20 AM

Thanks for reading KRISHNAVENI

Adetola A. O September 16, 2019 - 12:11 PM

Hello Mujeeb! In addition to a nice article, networking is an untapped goldmine of bringing in new clients as a small business owner. Attending conferences, retreats, hangouts etc are a great platform for you to form and build new relationships that could potentially earn you a recommendation/referral in the future. From my personal experience.

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