Home Marketing Are you making These 5 Instagram Marketing Blunders?

Are you making These 5 Instagram Marketing Blunders?

by Olufisayo
Instagram Marketing Blunders

With over 600 million users, Instagram is one of the fastest-growing social media networks. Instagram’s increasing popularity is based on the fact that people love visuals.

As a result, many social media influencers, entrepreneurs and brands are now taking advantage of this network in their social media marketing campaigns. However, Instagram promotion must be carried out in the right way in order to achieve the desired outcome.

Here are some common Instagram marketing mistakes you need to avoid:

Ignoring your followers

User engagement is very important when it comes to social media. Engaging followers will help enhance your brand value, boost loyalty and consequently increase your sales.

However, failing to respond to comments will have a negative impact on your business popularity and could result in unfollows. Therefore, anytime someone leaves a comment or suggestion about your brand or business, be sure to respond. If the matter needs to be handled privately, you could offer the option of communicating via email.

Using poor quality images

When it comes to Instagram, images are everything. People will judge your brand based on the images you use. If you share poor quality images of your product, followers might not take your brand seriously.

This is likely to have a negative effect on your bottom line. Therefore, take time to vet all your images thoroughly before posting them. The good news is that there are numerous free image editing tools available online that can help enhance your photos. You could also make use of the inbuilt Instagram filters.

Using hashtags incorrectly

Most Intagram users search for content using specific keywords. Therefore, hahstags are very important for making your Instagram posts discoverable. Be sure to keep your hashtags as short as possible and relevant to your audience.

Using popular keywords will ensure your visibility on feeds and attract more users to your profile. However, avoid using too many Instagram hashtags since it will make your post appear spammy.

Making your account private

Your Instagram business profile should make it easy for people to see images, follow, share and like. Therefore, don’t make the mistake of setting up your account as private since it will automatically put off potential followers.

Since they can’t see how your service or product looks, they will have no motivation to follow you. A private account basically says ‘we don’t need you here’. To avoid this, go to your privacy settings and ensure that your account is set to public.

An incomplete bio

Your instagam profile is the first contact many people will have with your business or brand. Therefore, you need to ensure that it is created in a professional and complete manner.

Use a quality profile photo and write a short, clear description of your brand or business. Be sure to add a call to action, which could be a link to your website or product pages. Use line spacing so as to make your content easier to read.

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