Home Marketing 8 Digital Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

8 Digital Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

by Olufisayo
Digital Marketing Mistakes

As a business owner, marketing your services or products can be one of the most exciting parts of the journey. Who doesn’t like the idea of showing how awesome your business is to the world?

Yet, you feel like your making marketing faux pas, and your efforts are falling on deaf ears.

Hitting a proverbial dead-end in your marketing efforts can be frustrating, but we see this as a positive experience, regardless of the outcome.

Fortunately, there are plenty of successful marketing companies in phoenix az like Ivio Agency who are willing to share tidbits of marketing wisdom to help guide your business to success.

In this piece of content, you will read 8 digital marketing mistakes to avoid in order to hit your marketing message home.

  1. Neglecting Cell Phone Users

What would anyone in 2019 do without their cell phones right next to them?

A potential customer landing on your website after a search on their mobile phone could lead to your phone ringing. In fact, there is a good chance that someone landing on your site on their phone will be the first and only introduction to your brand.

The stats speak volumes.

According to official Google statements, more than 50% of search queries globally now come from mobile devices. It is essential that your site be mobile-friendly if you want to be taken seriously.

  1. Forgetting to Throw In An Incentive (Discounts, Promotions, etc.)

All-day every day, we are bombarded with advertisements. Buy this, you deserve it. Take this class, become a better you.

If you want to be noticed above all of the noise, your messaging needs to not only be clear and concise, you should also throw in an incentive. The odds of someone purchasing something or making a decision, in general, can be increased by offering a promotion, however small.

Something like this works wonders.

A coupon that is easily redeemable can lead to potential customers picturing themselves with your product as if it’s already theirs. If your competitors aren’t offering discounts or promotions, this could mean even more of an advantage for you.

  1. Not Having a Blog

A 2019 Hubspot article claims that businesses with blogs have 97% more inbound links.

Blogs not only increase your traffic, but they also allow you to interact with your customers in a unique way. Letting users comment on your blog is a way to have a dialogue as well as provide feedback in some cases.

The content that is posted on blogs can also coincide with your social media content, drawing them to your social media and vice versa.

  1. Leaving Videos Out of the Equation

Video engages even the laziest buyers. Not to mention, Google loves video content. They claim that you are 53 times more likely to show up first on Google if you have video embedded on your website.

It’s proven that it works wonders.

Video content and mobile presence go hand in hand. A 2018 study by Dreamgrow found that 90% of consumers watch videos on their mobile devices.

  1. Not Targeting a Specific Audience

Who you are targeting is one of the most important things to take into consideration when doing any online marketing. If you want to reach your desired audience, you must be intentional with your target market.

What are the demographics of your ideal customer? What is the desired age range?

Ask yourself these important questions in order to make sure every penny spent on marketing efforts goes to the right prospects. Not everyone is a qualified lead and therefore not everyone should be marketed to.

  1. Not Using SEO

Using SEO to your advantage is critical to getting found in the vast online world we live in today.

In order to make money, customers need to be able to find you.

Not only are you competing with hundreds of other businesses out there, but you’re also competing for the short attention spans of consumers.

Here’s the trick.

SEO can increase your ranking so that you aren’t lost in the crowd since we know that people rarely sift through results past page one on Google. Your website must contain keywords and phrases that people are looking for, which may seem like common sense but is an overlooked component.

  1. Social Media Is Lacking

Not all of us can be social media gurus, but that does not mean we should not try to use social media to our advantage. Many businesses think social media is an indirect or even less effective way of gaining customers.

But this couldn’t be further from the truth.

It can also be a very inexpensive way to reach your ideal target market. If we know that 81% of residents in the United States have a social media profile, we know that it should be taken seriously as a marketing method.

Use it, engage with these users, and you might benefit more than you can imagine.

  1. Remain Relevant (Don’t spam your customers)

Getting your business in front of the right prospective customers is just as important as not spamming them with unnecessary and irrelevant content. If you send your customer base emails, make sure the information is…

  • Relevant to them
  • It’s helpful
  • Potentially educational

Otherwise, it will come off as spam, and it will turn them off and annoy them which is the last impression you want to make with your interested customers.

The takeaway is…

Be sure that the frequency of the content they are receiving is just right and not so frequent that they have no choice but to unsubscribe.

In Conclusion…

If you found these tips helpful, the key is to take action!

Make sure your website is mobile-friendly.

Come up with an incentive or promotion to draw in new customers.

If you don’t have a blog, get one. Take that a step further and make sure comments are enabled, make sure you’re posting them on social media and vice/versa, and make sure you’re consistently posting articles.

Get a video on your site. The old saying is videos are like pizza, even if it’s bad, it’s still pretty good.
Take a good look at who you are targeting and why.

Assess your web copy top to bottom. Hire a specialist if you have to.

Plan your work and work your plan with social media. Carve out time to engage with different pages and users and grow your social sphere of influence!

Check your email blasts for potential spam content and make sure it’s relevant.

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