Home Marketing 8 Genius Ways to Leverage the Power of Product Labels

8 Genius Ways to Leverage the Power of Product Labels

by Olufisayo
Ways to Leverage the Power of Product Labels

With the rise of the internet, there has been an inevitable influx of digital marketing strategies. Although these advertising methods can be extremely effective when executed perfectly, they are ultimately maximised when combined with more traditional forms of business exposure.

Product labelling is a fine example of a classical marketing technique that has stood the test of time. From labelling coffee mugs and pens for a corporate event to giving away branded merchandise on media to designing safe and effective food packaging, product labels have a wide array of uses for the modern day business owner.

Not to be dismissed as a marketing tool, we’ve collated 7 genius ways that your business can leverage the power of product labels, in order to maximise your marketing potential.

Ways to Leverage the Power of Product Labels

The basics

Depending on what sort of product you are going to be advertising, labels can give your brand the opportunity to make your product stand out from the rest. Product labels can advertise a huge range of messages to your customer, ranging from health risks, to ingredients, to warnings, to contact details, to your brand’s image.

Without labelling, customers have no way of ascertaining the difference between one item and the next. As well as this, labelling gives you the opportunity to inject some creativity into your brand’s image, taking potential and existing customers on a new and exciting marketing journey. If you’re looking to boost your brand’s image, click here for some product label inspiration.

Impact on product perception

Product labels also have a huge impact on product perception. Generally speaking, labels are a kind of sales pitch to potential customers, and can mean the difference between closing a sale or losing one. By summating all the essential information that a customer needs to make a purchase, product labels enable customers to make an educated decision.

Furthermore, including this information means that you are not only preventing future buyers from having an unfortunate future reaction to the product – such as allergy from an ingredient not mentioned on the packaging of food – but you are also prevent legality issues further down the track.

Trace the product to the source

Labels can assist in bolstering the appearance of your brand, by communicating a dependable and accountable image. For example, not including contact information or a brand name on the product label can discourage customers who may sense that there’s no brand accountability. For these reasons and many more, product label designing continues to be an essential part of the pre-market process for brands and businesses alike.

Leverage the power of labels with social media

Although product labelling is essentially a “traditional” marketing tool, a great way to enhance the effect of your marketing strategy is to use it in conjunction with more modern methods of advertising. For instance, throwing a competition on social media to win labelled products is a great way to create a multifaceted marketing approach. That way, you’re engaging with a wider customer base, as you’re adopting both modern and classic marketing strategies, which ultimately enhances your business exposure.

A way to ensure quality control

There are a plethora of opportunities that effective product labelling can give a business, but perhaps one of the most important is the aspect of quality control it ensures. The reason why many new products fail is because of a communication error between the design team, writers, and printers.

Investing in product labels of a high standard ensures that you won’t run into these hurdles, as the quality control surrounding your products will be stellar. Think about how you want your business to come across, and make an effort to communicate a streamlined, universal message through the distribution of your products.

Get creative

As aforementioned, product labelling enables your brand to stand out from all the rest. One of the most effective ways you can do this is by adopting a unique and effective label design. Start with the very foundations of your business logo: is the logo clear, concise and visually appealing? Does it communicate your brand’s name, function and industry effectively?

Once you have a fantastic logo in place, it’s time to think about the other information you’re going to include, and how the design of this information is going to align with your business’ aims and demographic. This may sound like we’re taking it way too seriously, however, product labelling has such a huge potential that you’d be daft not to try and utilise it!

The whole package

Packaging also plays a vital role in marketing your product: containment, protection, promotion, usefulness and environmental impact.  It is fairly obvious why the containment and protection of your product is important to the marketing plan.  Without a product that is usable at the time when people purchase it, you have nothing.  The package is also such a huge part of the promotion of your product.

A package that stands out lends itself to greater visibility. Develop a package that is useful, and a product label that complements this.  When you can use and reuse the container the product comes in without having to transfer it to another package to keep it fresh, the product becomes even more marketable.  Convenience and ease of use is something all consumers are looking for. The final factor, environmental impact, is important to ensure that the package facilitates recycling and reduces the effect it has on the environment.

The guidelines for product labels

Although designing and using product labels can be a fun and fruitful experience, it’s important to remember that, above all, there are some key guidelines that you should follow. Try and stick to the following next time you’re thinking about branding a product:

  1. It must provide adequate information regarding the manufacturer
  2. It must contain the list of details for ingredients used in the end product
  3. It must provide a guideline for directions of use
  4. It must include warnings
  5. The label must be easy to read and visible, with information like expiry date, manufacturing date made out in bold letters

However, these guidelines may not wholly apply if you’re simply branding some giveaways for a corporate event, although, they are still a good idea to keep in mind.

Launching a new product, whether it’s for sales or promotional purposes, can be a difficult yet exciting time for any company, particularly if they are newcomers in a particular industry. There are a multitude of things to think of when designing a new product, and labelling is but one of these many hurdles.

However, the importance of consumer demand means that it’s absolutely essential to get every single aspect right. This includes the design and execution of an effective product label. One of the most crucial aspects about launching a new product, product labelling has been stood the test of time as a tried and tested marketing technique that surpasses other, more shallow strategies.

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