Home Marketing How Blogging Can Help Market Your Business

How Blogging Can Help Market Your Business

by Olufisayo
How Blogging Can Help Market Your Business

Businesses with an online presence that maintain a blog build brand awareness, boost their SEO efforts and learn more about their customers. Consistently posting engaging, informative content, which includes images and video, is the key to blogging effectively.

Build Awareness

Savvy businesses use blogs to explain how their product or service benefits the reader and solves their problem. For example, if a business offers title loans in San Antonio, a blog post will inform consumers that the company solves a need for immediate cash. Since business owns can go into more detail than they can on their website, they can gain new customers who were not aware of the benefits of title loans. Keywords such as immediate cash in San Antonio in a blog post may attract consumers who were searching for a pawnshop or a payday loan.

How Blogging Can Help Market Your Business

SEO as an In-Bound Marketing Strategy

Every link in the search results counts, search engines will index blog posts if they offer value to visitors. A business blog will rank for long-tail search queries and keywords if you it contains informative, helpful content. Since 75 percent of people never go to the second page of Google’s search results, it is important for businesses to be on the first page for as many keywords as possible. While this is technically an SEO tactic, it is also an inbound marketing tactic with an excellent rate of return.

Market Research

Blogs with followings should have posts that ask readers questions to encourage comments. In addition to showing that the business values their audience’s opinions, the company gains free market research data. Small business owners can rarely afford to engage focus groups, conduct surveys or hire third-party firms, however, without understanding their target audience’s priorities, it is difficult to tailor marketing efforts.

Social Media Content Marketing

Blog posts make ideal social media content. Business owners who link to their best posts encourage people to click through and land on their website. Posts should not read like an advertisement; genuine, helpful information about the industry is what followers want to read. Insights about industry news will catch the eye of people searching for trending topics. When people share the content, they are promoting the business as well through word of mouth recommendations. Share-worthy content is a cost-effective marketing tool that exposes a business to more consumers.

Blogs Establish Expertise

Blog posts, such as how-to posts and tutorials, establish a business, and its owner, as a trusted industry leader. Consumers are more likely to purchase from a brand that offers a wealth of information about its products and services, along with the industry in general. As the blog grows in popularity, the business owner can establish himself or herself as a thought leader and a go-to person when the media needs commentary for an article.

Blogs are an inexpensive marketing tactic with long-term benefits. Numerous sites offer free blogs to businesses that are unable to add a blog to their existing website, leaving business owners no excuse for not starting a blog today.

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