Home Business 3 IT Innovations That Will Successfully Streamline Your Business

3 IT Innovations That Will Successfully Streamline Your Business

by Olufisayo
IT Innovations

After the pandemic turned the working world upside down, business owners are considering new and better ways to manage their activities. From simplifying employee management to condensing financial processes, there are plenty of ways for businesses to review and manage their actions through accessible software.

Whether businesses are facing new problems caused by the work-from-home transition or simply seeking the next big way to boost efficiency, advances in information technology are coming to the rescue. The following three examples are great ways for businesses to reconsider their current methods and hop on board with the best new tech.

Remote Work Solutions: Team Communication

Despite many workers returning to on-site jobs in 2021, plenty of people hope to work remotely for good. While statistics show that the shift to remote work resulted in increased productivity and worker satisfaction, maintaining communication between coworkers is an important feature to consider. Thankfully, there are a variety of great programs that allow workers to get connected from the comforts of home.

Video conference calls are a great way for workers to speak face-to-face. For group meetings and presentations, this is the best method for sharing ideas and displaying information to larger groups. Many remote workers miss the experience of convening with coworkers in person, and video calls are the next best thing.

For direct messaging and file sharing, there are also programs like Slack that allow coworkers to discuss projects and ask questions without setting up meetings. With messaging programs, workers can talk to one another at their own convenience. This improves productivity by decreasing the amount of time that workers are stuck in meetings and increasing their available time to work on projects.

Managing Employees from Home: Flexibility & Task Orientation

On the subject of productivity, some business owners may worry about remote workers getting off-schedule, doing personal tasks during work hours, or using company devices for the wrong purposes. To prevent this, business owners can invest in various kinds of software that monitor employees’ schedules and progress.

General employee monitoring software might allow an employer to see what employees are currently working on, how long it takes them to complete tasks, and hours logged in the company portal. Some employers even use this software to allow employees to work flexible hours, monitoring productivity and completion rather than hours spent online, thus, improving employee retention.

Some other examples include keylogger software, web browser blocks for company computers, and employee attention trackers. Some workers might find these programs too invasive or restricting, so be sure to clearly disclose your business’s practices to your employees if you choose to use any of these programs.

Cloud-Based Compilation: ERP Management Systems

There are also programs that help business owners manage the affairs and activities of the company as a whole. Those programs are called ERP (enterprise resource planning) systems, which simplify the major operations of a business by combining all accounting, project management apps, and supply chain management affairs in one place.

Without a program like this that tracks incoming and outgoing information, it can be hard for business owners to review all of their stats at once due to fluctuating processes and multiple sources. Consolidating your accounts and activities in one place helps everyone involved in your business stay on track with necessary information.

With an ERP system in place, like JD Edwards software suite, business owners can easily see information from all levels of interaction. These systems simplify data flow and offer an easy, secure way for business owners to see an overview of their company’s activities without missing information or important connections.

Ultimately, these three examples prove how far IT has come and how simple it can be to enable remote employee communication, manage off-site productivity, and simplify your company’s affairs. Adding any combination of these programs to your existing business plan will help take the stress away from remote management and give you a clearer picture of how your business is performing in this exciting new age of tech-supported business.

Photo by olia danilevich from Pexels

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