Home General Top 4 Mistakes Event Managers Make

Top 4 Mistakes Event Managers Make

by Olufisayo
Mistakes Event Managers Make

Even the most well-planned events can be derailed by a range of factors.

An inflated budget, poor scheduling, improper allocation of resources, and poor communication can all result in poor client satisfaction and event failure.

Whether you’re using high-tech online event planning tools like magnetevents.com or if you’re still using spreadsheets to manage your event, here are five of the most common mistakes event managers should watch out for and how to avoid them.

1. Improper Allocation of Resources and Skills

It goes without saying that having the right amount of qualified staff for your event is critical to its success. You need staff to wait on tables, assist attendants at check-in, and keep an eye on security – just to name a few. However, improperly allocating staff and skills is one of the most common mistakes in event management.

If you haven’t provided enough staff for the workload, or if the staff you have lack the skills required for the job, you’re going to have huge problems.

To overcome this, managers need a clear view of the workloads and skills of all their resources – including vendors, contractors, and outsourcers. When an event manager knows exactly who is doing what, it’s easier to allocate resources appropriately.

2. Failing to Track Changes

Event management is a dynamic process, meaning that elements of the event can change at any time. The changes can be as big as altering the scope of the entire event, or something as small as a staff member taking sick leave.

An event manager must always be aware of all changes, preferably in real-time. One small change can have a domino effect, wreaking havoc on timelines and the budget.

An effective way to keep track of any changes in event planning is to enforce a formal ‘change tracking process.’ Individuals can request, document, and communicate changes to ensure that every stakeholder is aware of them before they are approved.

3. Being Unprepared for Potential Problems

Whether it’s something small or something big enough to impact the success of your event, there will inevitably be something that doesn’t go exactly according to plan.

An event manager must always be prepared for any potential problems by performing a risk assessment early in the planning phase. Identifying the key aspects of the event and making backup plans in case something fails is the best way to mitigate any problems that may arise.

4. Not Following Management Processes

Simple mistakes in management processes are common in event planning, but they are easy to avoid.

Lack of proper planning increases the chances that one or more elements will fail, leading to a devastating domino effect that can derail the entire event. Improper planning at any phase of event management results in last-minute issues, an out-of-control budget, and missed objectives.

Following repeatable and standardized event management processes leads to a well-defined event plan in which everybody involved is aware of what is required. Repeatable processes for scheduling, allocating resources, and communication eliminates the guesswork in event planning and keeps stakeholders informed.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

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