Home Marketing A Review of Peddle & Flourish: Online Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses eBook

A Review of Peddle & Flourish: Online Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses eBook

by Olufisayo
Peddle and Flourish Ebook Review

Peddle & Flourish: Online Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses is written by Joseph McKeating and presented by Acuity Scheduling, a provider of online appointment scheduling software for businesses.

It is a new eBook guide for small businesses that details all new start-ups and existing companies need to know to succeed in the most competitive digital world.

Written in clear and direct language, it x-rays every aspect of digital resources that an online business needs to succeed in today’s Internet world.

Peddle and Flourish Ebook Review


Peddle & Flourish: Online Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses is a 68-page eBook that is broken down into ten chapters, with each chapter giving an in-depth coverage of do-it-yourself tools and resources that you’d need to take your online business to the next level. It critically examines the challenges new and existing businesses face in their struggle to break even in today’s digital world, and presents workable help that enables you to turn those seeming challenges into proven opportunities.

  1. Chapter One: Do-it-Yourself Public Relations: This section provides a redefinition of what public relations (PR) is, and how it is essential for all businesses that target customers for profit, regardless of size. It explains that whether yours is a one-man business entity or an international business conglomerate, you need to engage in some form of PR to promote yourself to your publics/target customers with a view to cultivating and managing mutually-beneficial relationships. This chapter also raises pertinent questions that help with your PR activities, while also providing you with real-to-life examples that open your eyes to how a successful PR is done for all categories of businesses.
  1. Chapter Two: Becoming Newsworthy: This chapter helps you to explore free opportunities that endear you to the media, and which help the mainstream media to pick up your story and feature your company in the most organic editorial manner without having to spend a dime for news-mentions.
  1. Chapter Three: Positive Online Reviews: If you have been around on the internet for some time, you will realize the strength and relevance of online reviews for any businesses. This chapter helps you to garner positive reviews and mentions for your business and products/services, while also helping you with the skills to handle negative reviews and work them out to your own advantage. It provides you with online resources and professional tricks to leveraging on customers reviews, and using them to maximize your online businesses. This is where the techniques of Online Reputation Management (ORM) come into play.
  1. Chapter Four: Social Media Best Practices: This section emphasizes the necessity of leveraging on the powers and reaches of the social media networks for your businesses. It deals on using the organic analytics of social media to manage your businesses, and using ethical best practices to your own advantage. It even goes ahead to mention some popular networks like Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook, while mentioning how using networking tools like Buffer, HootSuite, and CloudPeeps among others could help in this regard.
  1. Chapter Five: Daily Deal Sites: Do you understand how daily deal or deal-a-day sites like Groupon or LivingSocial works? Do you understand the pros and cons of using daily deal sites and the proven tips that help with setting up great and profitable deals? This chapter offers help on how to use sites like Groupon, LivingSocial, Amazon Local, Deal Builder, and Acuity Scheduling for setting up profitable daily deals.
  1. Chapter Six: Free Marketing Resources: If you like the sound of “free resources”, then this section provides you with free marketing resources and tools that give your business the marketing edge over others in the competition. Quickly jump or scroll to this section to explore the free options given you in making a success of your business with free marketing tools.
  1. Chapter Seven: Search Engine Marketing & Paid Advertising: What is the Internet without search engines? And how does your online business hope to stand out of the crowd without the powers of search engine metrics? This chapter gives you an insight into how search engines work, and how you could utilize their algorithms for marketing and advertising purposes. It teaches you the popular terms associated with Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and points you to maximising paid adverts on Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yelp and even Yellow Pages among others.
  1. Chapter Eight: Intro to Google Analytics: This section introduces you to the powers of Google Analytics as a measurement tool for your online businesses. It details all you need to know about Google Analytics and how to explore or set it up to meet your particular business needs and expectations. Analytics provides you with a feedback, and it provides you with visual graphics of behind-the-scene activities influencing your business websites and how to interpret these for profitable and measurable forecasts.
  1. Chapter Nine: Design Basics for Small Businesses: Have you ever bothered to know if visual designs have any impact on your business? Your logo design, website design and layout, architectural designs for your company, letterhead and complimentary cards, and other promotional objects designs; do they impact your business in any way? This chapter introduces you to the elements of visual designs and even mentions design tools and software that would be invaluable to your design needs.
  1. Chapter Ten: Automate Menial Tasks, Improve Productivity: If you have always thought that you can do it all and do it best, then this chapter will give you a rethink. This section provides you with dedicated tools that help you to break down your tasks into manageable bits with overall effective results – and it even teaches you how to use the tools. The overall aim is to provide you with improved productivity and less turnaround times for accomplishing target goals.

Acuity Scheduling has presented all a businessman needs to succeed online into the Peddle & Flourish: Online Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses eBook, and with the exhaustiveness of the materials covered, and the step-by-step coverage of listed tools and resources, combined with the simplicity of everyday language and live examples – you have all you require in this 68-page eBook to succeed online today, everyday, and forever. This eBook is recommended to all without reserve, and it is worth its value in gold; it is a treasure that must be valued, and a reference guide to help you navigate the uncertain terrains of digital marketing in today’s Internet world with much assurances of success.

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jovie June 17, 2014 - 5:24 PM

sounds like a great book….how to we get a copy?

Olufisayo June 19, 2014 - 12:37 PM

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