Home Marketing Top Reasons for You to Focus on Social Media to Boost Your SEO

Top Reasons for You to Focus on Social Media to Boost Your SEO

by Olufisayo
Social Media to Boost Your SEO

Most people agree that even if Google does not directly recognize social media signals in its ranking algorithm, these signals have a definite correlation with rankings.

While SEO is all about making your business more visible and encouraging people to visit your website, social media is about increasing your brand reach on social networks and engaging with the right kind of audience. While they might appear different, it is clear the goals overlap. Some compelling reasons for marketers to focus on social media to enhance SEO:

Search Engines Index Social Media Content 

Publishing high-quality and current content relevant to your followers on social media is important not only for growing your follower base and engaging with them but also can make a significant difference to the impact of the content marketing campaign. When you include that search engine spiders regularly crawl your social media posts, things only get better.

To be sure, Google does not index all posts, but only the ones it thinks are relevant to the search intent. Due to the way search engines consider social media content, social media can assist in speeding up the indexing of your website content. For example, if your blog post attracts a lot of attention on social media, search engine bots can locate it easily and index it faster.

Social Media Builds Authority

Website authority is a critical SEO factor. Search engines give social media pages high authority if they think the content has relevance and value. The website authority tends to increase with time, and you can help the process by publishing high-quality content that your users find valuable.

Local signal creation from Web20Ranker.com can help you to earn more authority. Top-notch content can also help you to earn backlinks from high-authority websites, which is also a strong SEO signal. Content marketing on social media helps in effective link-building because marketers distribute a large amount of content on social networks.

The high visibility and engagement with content posted on social media boost the number of visits to your website. Moreover, users on social media share content with others, giving your content more visibility, which leads to more authority. According to SEMrush, posting content on social media extends their lifespan.

Social Media Is by and for Real People

Far too many people focus on the technical aspects of SEO but feel disappointed with the results because they have ignored the importance of users in the frame of things. Contemporary search engines focus more on fulfilling the search intent of real users, not giving better ranks due to technicalities.

Marketers hunting for success must look beyond technical SEO and aspects like keyword optimization to serve user interests better. Search engines today also look for a human element in the content to assure themselves the content is for human consumption, not to beat search engine algorithms.


Even though social media is not a direct Google ranking factor, there are several compelling reasons for marketers to take their presence on social media to the next level. High-quality social media content raises brand visibility, encourages organic traffic generation to your website, earns more backlinks for higher authority, and generates more engagement.

Photo by NisonCo PR and SEO on Unsplash

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