Home Marketing Why Text Message Marketing Will Improve Your Business Strategy

Why Text Message Marketing Will Improve Your Business Strategy

by Olufisayo
Text Message Marketing

Did you know that 70% of the American populous owns a smartphone? And of that, 50 million will choose to receive business text messages by 2020! That’s a staggering amount of potential customers. Businesses need to move now in order to capitalize on the growing trend of text message marketing.

If you’re not already doing so, investing in text message marketing is one of the best ways to improve your business strategy. In fact, 98% of all text messages sent are opened. Not only that, but a whopping 95% of text messages are not just opened, but also responded to within 3 minutes of delivery. Couldn’t your business benefit from that kind of seamless marketing?

Text message marketing is well within your reach. And it’s not as hard to implement as you may think. Your goal should be to add text message marketing to your current business strategy where it fits. In other words, find the places in your business strategy that could benefit from text message marketing and start there.

Text message marketing can help improve every business’ strategy in some way. The following are four examples of why text message marketing will improve your business strategy.

Each example can be implemented at any business, large or small. But remember, these aren’t the only ways to use text message marketing to improve your business strategy, there are many others. These are just a few universal examples for all businesses.

Securing a competitive market position for your business

Nowadays, all businesses should be familiar with and using digital marketing. That is a no-brainer. Unfortunately, though, most businesses opt to use email marketing as their digital marketing strategy of choice. Although undoubtedly the most popular digital marketing channel, email marketing is simply not as effective as text message marketing.

Text message marketing increases your digital marketing effectiveness. It’s simpler, convenient, and goes anywhere. Text message marketing is simple because anyone can use it, sending links and attachments is fast and easy, and it’s easy to opt-in and opt-out of.

It’s convenient because it captures customers’ phone numbers, tags contacts, and allows you to build versatile campaigns in a few clicks! Plus, text message marketing can go anywhere. It can double as a digital marketing tool as well as a print marketing tool.

When you use text message marketing, you are setting your business apart from the crowd. You are doing something that only a handful of businesses are using and even less use effectively. Once you learn how to use text message marketing effectively, you’ll be able to create a competitive place in the market for your business.

Smoothing operational details

Operations can be a nightmare for business strategy. Knowing where and when to implement basic operations of your business can be overwhelming. However, text message marketing will help you to implement the everyday operations of running your business more effectively.

For example, finding people to market your product to can have an entire team steeped in market research for weeks on end. This is definitely not an ideal situation. You need the people that work for you doing the most effective and efficient job possible. So instead, learn how to automatically add your customers to a text message list from your POS system.

Transferring the information that’s currently on your POS system to a text messaging platform (via an intermediary) saves you loads of time. It allows your employees to concentrate on more important details. Plus, you don’t have to start from scratch when it comes to finding the right customer to market to.

Pleasing customers

Text message marketing is one of the surest ways to please customers. Text message marketing can be used as an effective communication tool. Use it for sales, customer service, and even market research. Text messaging improves your business strategy by improving your communication with customers.

Please your customers by making communication fast and easy. For example, use text message marketing in your advertisements to improve sales. Everyone is constantly researching products before they buy. Bring the information to potential customers. Make it easy for them to comb through.

Using text message marketing on your product packaging is another way to communicate effectively with customers and improve customer service. Contacting customer service is a nightmare for most people. They hate doing it, and let’s face it, a majority of businesses suck at it. Create a simple way for people to contact you if they need help. Just this simple improvement, not counting the actual customer service you’ll provide, will pay dividends.

Finally, a large part of a business strategy is pleasing customers. An easy way to know how to please customers is by conducting market research. This can be fairly hard, especially if your business is small or new to the market. Make it easy on yourself by conducting market research via text message marketing by sending surveys directly or links to surveys to everyone on your text message marketing list, even the ones that didn’t convert.

Improve your business strategy with text message marketing

In the end, text message marketing will improve your business strategy as long as you are open to its possibilities. Secure a competitive market position for your business, smooth your operational details, and please customers using text messaging. Doing so will ensure you continue to have a strong business strategy that can withstand the pressures of competing in the free market.

Author Bio

Carrie Duford is a blogger at TextSanity. A recent graduate of BYU, she’s perfecting her craft as a professional blogger. When she isn’t writing, Carrie enjoys all things outdoors. You can reach her at carrie@textsanity.com or on LinkedIn. You can also follow TextSanity on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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