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Top 5 Marketing Tactics That Can Help Home Startups Flourish

by Olufisayo
Top 5 Marketing Tactics That Can Help Home Startups Flourish

There are endless ways to finance your best home startups, but marketing those startup ideas with a modest budget can be tricky. Often, people cite limited funds as an excuse for not flexing their creative muscles.

Before you start spending money on Facebook boost or paid advertising, make sure you have the following online marketing basics covered:

Top 5 Marketing Tactics That Can Help Home Startups Flourish

1. Choose Your Market

Most startups assume that customers will love their products. However, by marketing your products and services to everyone, you would only waste time and money. Choosing the right market can help you cut through the noise.

That’s right. You should only spend money on the audience who are truly going to be interested in your product.

2.   Identify the Top Performing Keywords

Marketing experts suggest that people judge your business online even before they start working with you. Once you have a clearly defined market, you can make a list of three to five keywords that perfectly summarize what your startup does.

Let’s say you’re offering water damage restoration to customers. If you have a look at Restoration Elite website, you will find that their home page uses the right keywords (i.e. keywords that describe their services). More importantly, the content featured on the homepage makes the right kind of emotional connection with the audience.

3.   Keep Your Audience Engaged

As a home startup owner, it’s even more important to create an emotional connection with your target audience. This is achievable through social media.

When you use social media, it’s easy to keep your audience engaged even when you’re not advertising your business. You can build a strong connection by showing respect and attention to your customers and those who support you.

If you comment nicely and reflect on what your customers say, they’ll remember your dedication and come to you the next time they’re searching for a product related to your business.

4.   Help People Discover and Share Your Content

If you want your startup to be successful, it has to maintain some sort of online presence. Ideally, you can be satisfied with a website, some social media profiles, and a blog. However, every piece of content you publish online cannot be easily discoverable by your target audience.

To help your loyal customers and new prospects reach you, you need to start adapting SEO techniques. Use keywords that are unique and highly relevant. This way, you can be sure that your content stands apart from the other material available online.

It is also advisable to have social icons on your website so that people can visit and check out the original, engaging content you share on your social media profiles. By visiting http://www.plumbingfix.com/, you will find that there are icons on the top left corner that will take you to their Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn profile.

5.   Define Your Strengths

By identifying your strengths, you can better understand how to present your products and services to customers. Remember that you should present your services as the solution to all your customers’ problems.

Simply put, your products and services should be able to solve problems your customers face better than your competitors or businesses that have been around before you.

Having a strong online marketing strategy is crucial for any business but especially for a home startup based one since it’s almost the only channel through which your vision can be spread among millions of people. Therefore, use these marketing tactics to make your startup expand beyond your neighbourhood.

Author Bio:

Jessy Faraday

Jessy Faraday is a super-connector with ManageBacklinks.io who helps businesses with building their audience online through outreach, partnerships, and networking. Jessy frequently writes about the latest advancements in the SaaS world and digital marketing.

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1 comment

5 Strategies Behind Small Business Promotion October 17, 2017 - 3:47 AM

[…] spend a lot of time finding ways to promote our business online – that’s a good thing – but it’s not the only options. In fact, if you were to focus solely […]

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