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9 Ways to Become a Better Business Leader

by Olufisayo
Ways to Become a Better Business Leader

A strong leader enables an organization to achieve its goals and maximize productivity. Without leadership, every business element lies dormant. Weak leadership hurts productivity and jeopardizes your business’s health. As a business leader, it’s up to you to ensure your organization maintains its vision, inspires morale among the employees, provides guidance towards improving diversity, and communicates new strategic decisions via emails, staff meetings, or memos.

You’ll have to ensure employees are motivated, avail the staff with the resources and support they need, encourage continuous learning for improved delivery and inspire a collective identity. This article outlines nine ways to become a better business leader.

1.    Assess your leadership skills

Leadership assessment is a vital factor on the path to becoming a better business leader. Being self-aware of your leadership skills and personal qualities can significantly improve how you lead the business and interact with others. This can also enable you to confront your weaknesses while building on your leadership strengths.

You can gain your team members’ trust and support with an honest leadership capability assessment. Consider conducting a SWOT analysis on your leadership to gauge your skills. Start by assessing your leadership strengths by listing everything that makes you an effective leader. If you get stuck, seek a trusted friend, colleague, or former boss’s help, as they’ve most likely seen the strengths that aren’t too apparent to you.

While examining your weaknesses might be hard, it’s the only way to get an honest assessment. List your weaknesses, including the intangible and measurable shortcomings. Look at the opportunities to grow and develop your leadership and note them down. Examine your leadership’s external and internal threats to find ways to overcome, adjust or adapt to them. Using your SWOT analysis data, you can create realistic action steps to ensure good business leadership.

2.    Connect with your team members

Leading a team requires mutual understanding and trust between the members and their leader. This requires leaders to learn how to connect. To create genuine connections with your team members, you’ll need positivity, compassion, empathy, purpose, love, and humility. Building authentic, personal relationships with employees is crucial to establishing the shared trust required to develop a solid, exceptional performance and accountability culture.

With this culture, you can ensure a successful business, a fulfilled leader, and a happy team. To connect with each member, know their interests, personalities, weaknesses, strengths, preferences, and hobbies. This gives you insights into their motivations and goals. Understanding your team’s individual strengths and letting them be accountable and responsible boosts their confidence in themselves and their leader and increases performance.

3.    Inspire your team

A good leader doesn’t just give orders. You should consider why your team members adhere to what you say or do. Your employees will follow you if they trust in your mission. As a well-rounded leader, you should share the mission concisely, clearly, and in a manner that motivates your team to work towards achieving common goals.

4.    Nurture your leadership style

A great leader often possesses numerous leadership qualities, including motivation, creativity, empathy, and vision. Nonetheless, a successful business leader can adjust to the needs of various situations, using their diverse leadership skills set to achieve their goals. Varying leadership styles generate different outcomes, and specific personalities are suitable for different leadership styles. Upon understanding the kind of leader you’re, you’ll have a greater sense of your weaknesses, strengths, and the communication type that motivates your team while making you a better leader.

5.    Develop your existing skills

Once you identify your strong leadership skills, it’s a good idea to focus on developing them. Building on what you’re already good at allows you to strive toward reaching your full potential efficiently. If you become an expert in what you do, you’ll be a more valuable leader. This will open up new future avenues and teach you how to become more receptive to opportunities that come your way.

6.    Maintain a positive attitude

As a leader, you wish your team’s daily operations could run seamlessly all the time. However, obstacles are inevitable. Be it a major or minor miscommunication or problem, how you handle the situation will reveal your leadership qualities. Always focus on the good regardless of the situation, as the more you see the positives in a problem, the more positively your team members will react to each other.

When you focus on a solution rather than the problem, you help your employees maintain positive engagement. This creates a conducive environment that results in a more productive and engaged workforce. Good leaders who display confidence and enthusiasm positively impact their working environment.

7.    Encourage personal and professional growth

Effective business leaders are always invested in their team’s growth and success. They dedicate a budget to their employee’s growth, no matter how small. There are various options for your team members to develop their existing skills or learn new ones, including virtual, in-person, or in-demand alternatives. Encourage and empower your team to learn and put their learnings into their work.

Additionally, challenging your employees and guiding them as required is an excellent way for a great leader to empower their team’s growth. When you, as a leader, believe in your employees and offer them opportunities to grow and learn, they can accomplish much more, all for the company’s betterment.

8.    Give direct, honest feedback about performance

Direct and honest feedback, positive or not, is an excellent way to guide your employees in the right direction. If you aren’t straightforward and honest, your employees will never know what you think of their work and may never improve. To give the proper feedback and advice, it’s crucial to understand where the business is headed to help your team make solid decisions and actions. In addition to offering constructive performance and feedback reviews, acknowledge employee accomplishments by letting them know, celebrating their wins, and thanking them for working hard.

9.    Keep learning

The world keeps advancing, and so do leadership strategies and techniques. Keep learning about industry changes and developments, your team, and the world, and remain up to date with relevant trends. Expand your perception to create room for innovations and new people, increasing your team’s confidence in your leadership and steering the business in the right direction.


A good leader is the key to a thriving business. Use these tips to become a better business leader.

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